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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Stork Bus BJU

For Bob Jones University’s annual Bible Conference offering fundraising campaign, BJU students spearheaded multiple fundraising efforts to raise $150,000 to purchase a Save the Storks mobile medical unit for Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Save the Storks, a leading national pro-life organization, partners with pregnancy care centers to deploy buses that provide free ultrasounds, pregnancy and STI testing and confidential counseling. Over an eight-week period, the University community surpassed the goal by raising over $185,500. 

“We are thankful to the Bob Jones University community for this incredible gift!  We are especially touched by the vision of the students and their heart to save the next generation from abortion and their compassion for the moms and dads,” said Dr. Alexia Newman, Carolina Pregnancy Center director. “For us at Carolina Pregnancy Center, this is another tool to share the love of Jesus Christ and the hope of salvation found in Him.”

Each year, BJU holds a Bible Conference during which the campus supports a fundraising campaign for a specific on-or off-campus project. After Save the Storks President Paul Isaacs, a 1993 BJU graduate, spoke on campus last year, the student body asked the University leadership to utilize this year’s Bible Conference fundraiser offering to purchase and outfit a Stork Bus.

“Words cannot express how full my heart is. I love all the students, faculty, staff, and alumni at BJU. People will find them in heaven someday and thank them for giving to this epic cause,” said Isaacs. “The next generation of preachers, Christian businessmen, doctors, nurses, missionaries and others will all be in heaven because we worked together to make abortion unthinkable and unimaginable…”

Students conducted over 50 fundraisers ranging from the International Student Organization’s food festival to the annual Usher Auction to Alpha Omega Delta’s sponsored bike ride from Greenville to Charleston. Using a variety of innovative methods, student-led fundraisers raised over $73,600. Faculty, staff and alumni rallied around the cause as well and, with several sizable donations, the University community reached the goal. Funds beyond the original goal will be donated to buy the ultrasound equipment and support Carolina Pregnancy Center’s operational needs. 

“As we began this journey, we didn’t know what the Lord was going to do. Our students utilized their creativity and collectively reached our goal. We praise the Lord for what He has done and believe this effort will offer lifesaving support and resources to individuals in our community,” said BJU President Steve Pettit.”