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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:11 PM


First Published in 1994


SchoolhouseTeachers.com provides an alternative educational platform easily accessible from home

GRAY, Tenn. -- Awaiting instruction from public health advisors, schools in Brighton and Hove, England, have told parents they have the option to keep their children home from school with authorized absences. Five confirmed coronavirus cases have surfaced in the area. With a long incubation period of up to two weeks, it is concerning that schools are not advised to notify the school as a whole if a student or faculty member is undergoing testing. Information is only to be revealed if a case is confirmed (theguardian.com). This means parents are forced to make a decision that will have a long-term effect on their children. Do they risk sending them to school amid the current outbreak, or do they place education on hold and wait it out?

Parents who choose to keep their children home due to the outbreak need not sacrifice their education. Gena Suarez, publisher of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, the parent company of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, encourages families across the globe to try the home education platform that has gained tremendous popularity in the US and Canada and is now expanding its borders. "Our international student base is growing like never before. We gladly accommodate students from across the globe and are here to help meet the needs of those who are choosing to finish the school year from home."

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread faster than previous outbreaks such as SARS or MERS. The virus has infected more people over the past few weeks than SARS did in several months. The death toll and the number of infected patients have already exceeded the 2003 outbreak. Recently declared a global emergency, the virus has spread from China to Singapore, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Australia, India, Africa, the UK, Russia, the US, and Canada all have confirmed cases.

A cure has not yet been developed and may take years to come to fruition. Meanwhile, each country is taking precautionary measures as they continue to learn more about the virus, how it is spread, and how it affects individuals. Parents who do turn to home education during this crisis can do so with readily available resources. TryHomeschooling.com provides help for families new to homeschooling.

About The Old Schoolhouse®
The Old Schoolhouse® (
www.theoldschoolhouse.com) is a privately held corporation that publishes the industry-leading homeschool education print magazine, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, as well as hundreds of books and planning support tools for homeschooling families. SchoolhouseTeachers.com, a division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, supports over 9,000 member families with more than 400 courses for preschool through high school, as well as educational videos, World Book Online, transcripts, report cards, planning tools, and recordkeeping. Established in 2001, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is focused on providing high-quality, encouraging, affordable solutions for homeschooling families.