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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:11 PM


First Published in 1994


Robert H. Roper III, Past S.C. Division Commander Featured Speaker


The 2012 Confederate Memorial Service held in Springwood Cemetery on North Main Street in Greenville, South Carolina, Sunday, May 6th, drew a capacity crowd.

A prelude of soul-stirring music by the Kendall, Neely and Verdin family Musical Ensemble permeated the historic cemetery where hundreds of Confederate soldiers and their families were laid to rest.

Hunter Kendall gave the bugle Call to Church.

David Wright, Commander, 16th Regiment SCV, issued the Call to Order, with Invocation by SCV National and 16th Regiment Chaplain Mark Evans.


Robert-RhodesThe 16th Regiment Honor Guard posted the colors with pledges led by Color Sergeant Robert Bolt. Commander Wright presented the Charge issued by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, and welcomed guests.

Mr. Robert H. Roper III, Past South Carolina SCV Division Commander, delivered a thoughtful message centered around what a Confederate Soldier might say if he were addressing those gathered to honor his memory. The soldier would remind us that history and current events have proven that the South was right. The victors in 1865 have distorted history, trampled the Constitution of the United States and by force are defying the states and abusing the God-given  constitutionally guaranteed rights of the people.

The soldier would be thankful that a remnant of descendents held a Christian memorial service to honor his sacrifices and to carry out the charge issued to the Sons of Confederate Veterans by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee in New Orleans in 1906. The charge reads:

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought, to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate Soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.

Children of the Confederacy representing the Joseph Evan Davis Chapter placed a single rose on each of the stones marking the graves of the Unknown Confederate Soldiers buried in the cemetery.


Representatives of the 16th Regiment, SCV, Military Order of Stars and Bars and seven chapters of United Daughters of the Confederacy placed wreaths at the graves of the Unknown.

The 2nd SCVI Butler Guard and 16th Regiment Honor Guard conducted Passing of the Canteen ceremonies. It was followed by a gun salute by the Butler Guard and a Cannon Salute by Jack Marlar, Palmetto Light Artillery.

The memorial service ended with a moving arrangement of Lest we Forget, by the Kendall, Neely and Verdin Family Musical Ensemble, followed by Dixie, led by Past 16th Regiment Commander Terry Grissop.
