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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:11 PM


First Published in 1994



The South Carolina Division of the Children of the Confederacy held its annual Convention in Greenville, SC, on May 18-19, 2012. Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907, CofC, was the host Chapter for the event. Winnie Davis Chapter No. 442, UDC, assisted in hosting the Convention. Young people from all over the state of South Carolina, and others from North Carolina and Georgia attended the meetings. The Convention theme was "Show Your Southern Pride." The event began on Friday evening, May 18, at the Museum and Library of Confederate History, 15 Boyce Avenue, Greenville, SC.

The young people toured the Museum, and met many soldiers and ladies in period clothing, who were able to talk with them about the way of life during the time of the War Between the States. Mr. Terry Grissop entertained them with stories. Mrs. Julia Barnes came dressed as Teresa Hammond Reed and Regina Orzechowski Power came dressed as her daughter, Emmala Reed Miller. Hope Kateman was dressed as a Southern Confederate lady. Some of the men from the Butler Guards came to talk with the children about weapons and the young men who fought in the war. Men from the Greenville 16th Regiment, SCV Camp 36 were available to answer questions as the children toured the Museum. The children enjoyed delicious refreshments provided by the ladies of Winnie Davis Chapter No. 442. The reception was in special honor of the CofC Division President Allison Herron.

On Saturday, May 19, the Convention was held at The Phoenix, Greenville's Inn.The children enjoyed having a time of fellowship with other young people from across the state who share their love of Southern heritage and their wish to honor their brave Confederate ancestors. The Convention began with the processional, led by the Honor Guard of the Greenville 16th Regiment, SCV Camp 36, who carried in the flags. Their bagpiper, Ken Willis, played his bagpipes for the processional. The officers and special guests were seated at the head table. The Convention was called to order by SC Division President Allison Herron, who introduced the Parliamentarian. The Invocation was given by Miss Caroline Verdin, SC Divsion Chaplain. The young people recited the ritual and then saluted the Christian flag, the American flag, the SC flag, and the Confederate flag, and sang "Onward Christian Soldiers," "The Star Spangled Banner," "Carolina," and "Dixie" in between the four pledges.The children then recited the CofC Creed:

"Because we desire to perpetuate, in love and honor, the heroic deeds of those who enlisted in the Confederate Services, and upheld its flag through four years of war, we, the Children of the South have united in an Organization called the Children of the Confederacy, in which our strength, enthusiasm and love of justice can exert its influence.

"We therefore pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideals, to honor the memory of our beloved veterans, to study and teach the truths of history, (one of the most important of which is that the War Between the States was not a rebellion, nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery), and always to act in a manner that will reflect honor upon our noble and patriotic ancestors."

Miss Chandler Tucker, Convention Chairman, welcomed everyone to the Convention. Roll calls of Officers, Chairmen and Chapters were taken. The SC Division Director, Mrs. Carol Leake, was introduced. She greeted everyone. The Host Chapter and special guests were recognized. Miss Callie Herold, CofC President General brought greetings. Mrs. Eloise Verdin, SC Division President of the UDC brought greetings. Pastor Mark Evans, Chaplain-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans brought greetings. Reports were given and the Minutes were read. Awards were given. Officers were elected. The group was invited by the Laurens Briars Chapter #931 for the 2013 Convention. The blessing was given for lunch by Chaplain Caroline Verdin. While an Italian Buffet lunch was being served, door prizes were awarded, and then entertainment was provided by Mr. Stan Clardy who sang and told interesting facts about Southern songs. He brought along Bobby Lee O'Possum, his puppet, who also was quite entertaining!!

Following lunch, the children participated in a Memorial Service, led by Caroline Verdin. A memorial wreath was placed by the Convention Pages, Florence Mitchell, Allison Bolt and Chandler Tucker. Mr. Hunter Kendall heralded the start of the service with the "Call to Church," played on his trumpet. Special Music was provided by Miss Charlotte Mitchell, Miss Christiana Kendall, and Mr. Hunter Kendall. They were accompanied by Mrs. Jan Kendall. Memorials were made to Confederate Veterans, Veterans of All Wars, Sons of Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Children of the Confederacy. A special memorial was given to Mrs. Frank Leake (June), Ex-President General, UDC, by her daughter-in-law, Carol Leake.

Following the Memorial Service, the members of the group who had turned 18 during the year, participated in the "Rite of Passage" ceremony as they "crossed over" from the CofC to the UDC or the SCV. There were four young people present who took part in the ceremony: Miss Charlotte Mitchell, Mr. Cameron Norris, Mr. MacKenzie Gallien, and Mr. Whitson Verdin. Mrs. Eloise Verdin conducted the ceremony and the young people were received by representatives from the UDC and the SCV.

The new slate of officers for 2012-2013 was installed by Mrs. Eloise Verdin. The meeting was adjourned, followed by the singing of "Blest Be the Tie."

The Children of the Confederacy wish to express their sincere appreciation to those who helped to make the Convention a success.  Mrs. Eloise Verdin has been a wonderful SC Division President of the UDC. Mrs. Carol Leake has done an outstanding job as State Director of the CofC. Both Mrs. Verdin and Mrs. Leake have given generously of their time and efforts to support all the efforts of the CofC. Winnie Davis Chapter No. 442 donated food and gifts for the Convention, as well as much time and effort for decorating and hosting the Reception and the Convention. Greenville No. 51 UDC donated funds for scholarships for two young people to attend, and they helped with funds for the cake. Greenville 16th Regiment, SCV Camp 36 and the men from the Museum were very supportive of the Convention, by welcoming the group to the Museum for the tour and reception, by donating items for the ditty bags for the attendees, by donating some very nice door prizes for the children, by supporting the 18-year-old young men  that participated in the crossing-over ceremony into the SCV, and by the participation of their Honor Guard. We greatly appreciate the encouragement and support of all of these who so generously contributed to the success of the Convention.