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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 09:19 PM


First Published in 1994



Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907, Children of the Confederacy, met on Saturday, August 25, 2012, to welcome its newest members with the presentation of their membership certificates, followed by an ice cream sundae celebration at the end of the meeting. Those who received their certificates were Andrew Myers, Matthew Myers and John Myers.


During the meeting, the young people held a very solemn flag retirement ceremony in which they respectfully retired faded and torn American flags. Judge Tom Tucker presented a program on proper flag etiquette and conducted the ceremony. Chandler Tucker gave a presentation on the history of the flag, and Jackson Tucker formally presented the first flag for retirement. Andrew Myers, Matthew Myers, John Myers and Jackson Tucker presented the colors for the ceremony. The Children of the Confederacy are honored to receive worn and tattered flags to retire with respect and honor. They plan to have another retirement ceremony in the Spring and would be willing to properly dispose of flags that they receive during the year from those in need of this special service. If you would like to have a flag retired, please contact Pam Evans by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The official information brochure of the Children of the Confederacy states: "The Children of the Confederacy is an organization of young people from birth to eighteen years of age, who are descendants of the men and women who served honorably in the Confederate Army, Navy, or Civil Service. They are bound together by love of the southland, heritage and country. However, the Children of the Confederacy (or CofC, as it is more commonly called) is not political, nor is it sectional. The organization strives to teach the truths of history, not only to its members, but also to fellow Southerners and to the world. The objectives of the Organization are to broaden the scope of interest in the projects of the Children of the Confederacy which are Historical, Educational, Benevolent, Memorial, and Patriotic; to honor and perpetuate the memories and deeds of high principles of the men and women of the Confederacy; to observe properly all Confederate Memorial Days; to strengthen the ties of friendship among members of the Organization; to serve society through civic affairs; to perpetuate National patriotism as our ancestors once defended their beliefs. In practical application these objectives take on many forms: raising funds to award scholarships to worthy students; preserving Southern documents and monuments; aiding needy Confederate ladies; studying Confederate history through reading books, writing essays and poetry, creating artwork, and using the Confederate Catechism; celebrating Confederate anniversaries through memorial Services and reenactments; displaying Confederate Flags (Stars and Bars or Stainless Banner) on appropriate occasions; supporting Confederate causes; and helping our country's veterans at VA hospitals. There are many other activities in which members of all ages may participate." The Joseph Evan Davis Chapter meets monthly from September through May. The Chapter is sponsored by Winnie Davis Chapter No. 442, UDC. Children who are descendants of Confederate ancestors who love the true Cause of the South and who wish to honor their noble ancestors are invited to attend our meetings and become a part of our Chapter. For more information, please contact Pam Evans, Chapter Director, at the email address given above.