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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 07:20 PM


First Published in 1994



The Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907, Children of the Confederacy, met Saturday, September 22, 2012. The 2012-2013 officers were installed by Mrs. Carol Leake, SC Division UDC Third Vice President, and SC Division Director of the CofC. New officers are: Andrew Myers, President; Matthew Myers, First Vice President; John Myers, Second Vice President; Chandler Tucker, Third Vice President; Allison Bolt, Chaplain; Jackson Tucker, Custodian; Brittany Evans, Secretary; Charlotte Tucker, Treasurer; Caroline Tucker, Historian; Savannah Evans, Newsletter Editor. Miss Allison Bolt received her membership certificate.

The program for September was multi-faceted. John Myers gave a brief report, recognizing the 225th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States, with copies of the Constitution given to the children who wished to take them. As part of the Chapter's Sesquicentennial observance, significant events that occurred one hundred fifty years ago in September of 1862 were listed, including the tragic Battle of Antietam. Mrs. Pam Durham gave information about the role of the Southern women during the War, and innovations for the improvement of medical care during the War. The Chapter members have been collecting school supplies for their September project. For October and November, they will be receiving toy donations for Country Santa.

As a year-long project, they are collecting gift cards to send to their adopted Wounded Warrior Andrew Smith, a very brave young man who lost both legs in Afghanistan. He is receiving rehabilitation at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The Chapter plans to send him a card each month, enclosing an assortment of gift cards throughout the year to encourage him and his precious wife Victoria (Tori). The ongoing projects continue: canceled stamps for Wounded Warriors; aluminum pop tops for Ronald McDonald house; miniature toiletries for Safe Harbor, Shepherd's Gate and Ronald McDonald House; and box tops and labels for education. Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907 is sponsored by Winnie Davis No. 442, UDC.

The next CofC Chapter meeting is planned for Saturday, October 20th. If you would like more information about the Children of the Confederacy, please contact Chapter Director, Pam Evans, by email at markwevans@bell
