At the conclusion of the Confederate Memorial Day service at the State Capitol in Columbia, Saturday, there was a cannon salute. There were three cannons and they were fired a total of 9 times.
Across the street a new high-rise is under construction and the exterior is being clad in glass. We could hear the construction crews inside all during the memorial service making a racket.
Each time a volley was fired —— Va – VoooooooooooooM! All of the glass panels just flexed and rattled around as the blasts ricocheted off the building and we thought they were going to break.
After the first volley, waaaaaaaaaaay up high in the building, construction guys began to appear at the edge looking down at the service and pointing. They stayed all through the cannon shots, watching and gesturing. Right after the cannons finished, taps began to play. Every one of those tiny figures up there doffed their yellow hard hats and stood there stone still until taps was over.
Then, back on with the hard hats and they disappeared inside.