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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 10:15 AM


First Published in 1994


Featured Speaker was John Di Lemme, who with his wife, Christie Di Lemme, founded the Conservative Business Journal.

W.H. Lamb's son-in-law Jack Medlin, his daughter Cindy Medlin, John Di Lemme, and W.H.
W.H. Lamb's son-in-law Jack Medlin, his daughter Cindy Medlin, John Di Lemme, and W.H. "Bill" Lamb at Greenville Tea Party meeting.

Most patriots have heard of  “The Tea Party”, not just the historic version back in 1773, but today’s version composed of Christians and patriots and concerned citizens.  The Greenville Tea Party’s Chairman is the indomitable Pressley Stutts, who like “the Energizer Bunny”, keeps on going and going.  So does the Greenville Tea Party.  Thankfully!

Not as well known here in the Upstate of S.C. are the true patriots, JOHN & CHRISTIE Di LEMME, Founders of The Conservative Business Journal around 20 years ago, in Florida.  (John is a native New Yorker but has lived in Florida for many years). The CBJ is, at its heart, a strongly ANTI-SOCIALIST, PRO-CONSERVATIVE, PRO-CHRISTIAN organization whose founders have traveled to twenty-two countries, hosting seminars, boot camps, speaking to audiences and at events, teaching the strategies of CAPITALISM to business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals.  John is also the author of over 20 books on marketing, motivation, and success in life and business based on Conservative American values.

As Pressley Stutts, Chairman of our Greenville Tea Party (who was instrumental in organizing the 2020 Inaugural ROCK THE RED Tea Party Convention held here in Greenville last January) said about John:  “Di Lemme’s life experiences have developed tremendous wisdom.  He understands the powerful potential of capitalism and the perils of socialism and conveys them in a simple, straightforward way that is easily understood.”

At our Tea Party meeting on October 22, 2020 (an organization still “alive and kicking”, I assure you), John explained the principles that he and his wife, Christie (a charming lady from Tennessee) have been fighting for ever since they founded the Conservative Business Journal.  John made it clear that there is a WAR being waged right now to capture America’s economic system and change it from free enterprise capitalism to a socialist/Marxist state. 

John Di Lemme has proposed SEVEN REASONS why the preservation of free enterprise capitalism in the U.S. is so important:

1-America was built on capitalism;

2-Capitalism give you the ability to produce, innovate, and hire many people;

3-Capitalism is the lifeblood of our nation;

4-Capitalism creates (births) entrepreneurs who create better lives for many others;

5-Capitalism creates a mindset of victory through competition;

6-Capitalism is limited government with limited regulations;

7-Capitalism gives you the opportunity to invent, create, and take your ideas to the market.

Over the years, John has authored around 20 books, and at this Tea Party meeting we were introduced to his newest book:  MAKING CAPITALISM GREAT AGAIN.  It includes a section called “The ABC’s of Socialism Versus Capitalism”.  This is recommended reading for those who have a preconceived—and INCORRECT—belief that “socialism” is “the wave of the future”, is what is taught in our Holy Bible, and would create “Heaven on Earth” if only all governments would change to that economic system.  Of course, those of us who are truly educated and who are politically savvy know that these “claims” about the “wonders”of socialism are TOTALLY AND FOREVER FALSE! 

As John emphasized, “Now more than ever, we’re focused on empowering real people all over the country to rise up in confidence and stop the radical left from destroying our free enterprise system that produces limitless opportunities for all Americans.  The Conservative Business Journal is a force to be reckoned with, because we refuse to cower down to socialists and will forever fight for the country that we love so deeply.”

I recommend that all patriots read John’s books, listen to his weekly podcasts , and learn from this unique teacher, who is a strong ally for all of us who belong to patriotic and educational organizations.  For more information on the CBJ and John Di Lemme’s fight against socialism, go to:  www.ConservativeBusinessJournal.com.