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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 10:11 AM


First Published in 1994


Eugene Delgaudio

WASHINGTON -- Eugene Delgaudio (pictured above), president of Public Advocate of the United States, Inc. formally submitted a legal complaint with evidence to the Federal Elections Commission yesterday, October 27, 2020, against Twitter, Inc. and CEO Jack Dorsey.

Delgaudio is also asking the United Nation's General Secretary António Guterres to use his mandate powers to send observers from member nations Estonia (Singing Revolution), Montenegro (recent fair election) and South Africa to Twitter Corporate Headquarters in San Francisco to observe election interference funded by non-American sources.

Delgaudio states: 

"Public Advocate says in their complaint that Twitter violated the Federal Election Campaign Act. Specifically, we charge that, based on the facts set out in our complaint, Respondents violated the following statutes: 1) the prohibition on corporations making in-kind contributions and 2) the limitations on making coordinated expenditures with a federal campaign.

"Our non-profit published for years supportive policies of conservative issues, and in recent years supported all three nominees for the Supreme Court put forth by President Donald Trump and in recent days reached millions celebrating Trump policies at the White House, opposing Netflix promotion of the corruption of children and promoted the replacement of liberal hosts of Presidential Debates with conservative Tucker Carlson. It seems Twitter fears we will reach millions on Twitter with truthful policy support of the Trump Administration so they violated FEC laws to silence us by permanently suspending our account.

"The Federal Election Commission Act (FECA) provides that if the Commission, upon receiving a complaint, has reason to believe that a person has committed a violation of the Act, it shall make an investigation of the alleged violation. We request that the FEC conduct such investigation into whether Twitter, Incorporated's conduct violated federal campaign finance laws during the time in question, and if so, that it impose appropriate sanctions, as well as take whatever further action is appropriate. And we hope they and others we will appeal shortly to take action to correct this crime against humanity."

Permission is granted in advance to quote legal complaint or use photos

A copy of the legal complaint is here: https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/library/Public_Advocate_Complaint_Regarding_Twitter.pdf

Short video statement on tech giants from Delgaudio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6jivr5Truw&feature=youtu.be