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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Executive Committee Unanimously Approved Strongly Worded Resolution Addressed to Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy and House Leadership

The Greenville County, South Carolina Republican Party Executive Committee unanimously passed a resolution Monday night directing Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy to present the resolution to the U. S. House leadership directing the leadership to “immediately begin proceedings to impeach Eric Holder and all other involved parties.”

The Committee directed Rep. Gowdy to report the response of the House leadership to the committee.

The resolution contained ten facts to justify the impeachment action. ”That probable cause exists to not only criminally indict US Attorney General Eric Holder but to impeach him.

“This impeachment is required by the US Constitution in Article 2, Section 4 which states that civil officers shall be impeached for treason, bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors.

“Note that the word shall and not may, was used by the Founders so that the House is specifically directed to impeach violators of this section.

“AG Holder has violated this section by Obstruction of Congress and lying to and misleading

Congress in relation to their ongoing investigation of Fast and Furious which has resulted in the death of a US Border Patrol Agent along with countless Mexican citizens. This operation engaged in a criminal act called ‘gun walking’ whereby US Federal agents deliberately observed and allowed US criminal law to be violated as it relates to gun trafficking. It has been established that this operation was not only known of by AG Holder and other high level DOJ officials, but all evidence indicates that it was conceived and directed by these same officials. All of this was done at a time of heightened border violence and drug trafficking without regard for the safety of US and Mexican citizens as well as law enforcement officials on both sides of the border.

“As of this date US Representative Issa is threatening AG  Holder with Contempt of Congress, which is a crime, for failing to cooperate with  Congressional investigation and deliberately misleading Congress. The mere fact that the AG could be cited for such a violation is prima facie evidence that impeachment is called for.”

The resolution listed five additional facts that support impeachment charges and scolds House leadership for “failure to aggressively pursue impeachment once the facts were known, describing the failure as “dereliction of their Constitutional duty and an egregious act of political cowardice.”

The resolution was prepared and presented by Travelers Rest Executive Committeeman Craig Skelton.