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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Spartanburg, SC – 2 February 2012


David Spielman, who travelled to South Carolina from Washington, DC, to stay here in the School choice effort as Campaign Coordinator was busy tonight. He and the Southeast Coordinator for Freedom Works, Allen Page, expected a crowd to hear former US House Majority Leader Dick Armey.  Their plan and effort paid off. The Cleveland Park pavilion in Spartanburg was standing-room only! Parents, educators, fact-finders and many local, State elected officials as well as many candidates for office gathered this evening for a School Choice event.  Freedom Works is a nationwide non-profit organization built on the principles of, “Lower taxes, less government, more freedom.” Freedom Works with over 1.5 million across the US, 20,000 of which are here in South Carolina, were here to promote awareness and support for the South Carolina School Choice Bill H.4576. David Spielman spoke to the audience to open the event and said, “I came down here to get this bill passed, and I will stay ’till it is done!”

Karen Martin of the Spartanburg Tea Party introduced video clips from the local Senator Jim DeMint, Congressmen Mick Mulvaney South Carolina 5th district, and Jeff Duncan South Carolina 3rd district. All were very well received and garnered rousing applause.  South Carolina GOP Chairman Chad Connelly followed with fact-filled presentation about the actual way influence and funding worked in the education system. He drew gasps from the audience with an “$11,754 per student expenditure of which 44¢ gets to the student in the classroom (2009 figures).  He quickly showed the audience a flow chart that included local, state and federal lines of influence and money flow. “The more you study it, the more confusing it gets” he said. His parting factor which struck close to home for those there was a statement of fact concerning the “amount of school districts in two adjoining counties.” Spartanburg County has seven districts and Greenville County has fewer, however, in the former, over $5,000 is spent per student in bureaucracy compared to just over $4,000 in the latter. The common phrase “we just need a little more money” is just not right! His plain-spoken delivery as a South Carolina native was very well received by the crowd and won a resounding standing ovation.

Dick Armey arrived quietly with his wife Susan and greeted the gathered crowd warmly, calling many by name and referring to some present as “My Hero!”  His speech manner was much akin to his cowboy boots and large belt buckle. Just a man who is comfortable with what he is doing. Beneath that was the seasoned Washington veteran who spent 18 years in the House of Representatives. Former Speaker Armey delivered from the heart. “We are not against education; we are against inadequate so-so education!”  “Objectives have changed from education to strengthening unions hold on the process,” he said. “We must re-inject parents into the process and challenge bureaucracy. Washington has the audacity to say they know what is best.” He related a personal story of how one individual told him, “We know and love your children!” “O.K.,” he said, “What are their names?” Point made. He makes no apology for “Loving the Tea Party.”

Where to find more information:

• http://www.freedomworks.org/

• http://www.freedomworks.org/blog/mkibbe/south-carolina-tell-your-representative-to-cospons

• http://www.spartanburgteaparty.org

• http://www.scrgov.org/