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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 02:55 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


WARNING: Forced silence coming to a school near you on April 14, 2023

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Friday, April 14th, is the Day of Silence, sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Each year, GLSEN promotes this event nationwide and the extreme Left once again uses our schools to push their agenda.

GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, is rallying the troops for their Day of Silence. And by troops we mean, students in schools. And no, don't expect them to ask your permission. For some reason schools feel the need to bow to GLSEN and allow the Day of Silence to take place on campuses all across the US without informing parents.

The Day of Silence claims to be necessary to highlight the silencing of LGBTQ students in schools and calls for a more "inclusive" school environment.

Supporters claim this as a day that: "[illustrates] the silencing effect of bullying and harassment on LGBT students and those perceived to be LGBT." In reality this day forces anyone who might disagree with these lifestyles into silence as they are often publicly shamed by fellow students, and sometimes even teachers. People who have beliefs that differ from those pushing this agenda are forced to live in the shadows, bullied into silence.

Regardless of how one feels about LGBT lifestyles the classroom is most certainly not the place to discuss these issues. They're best discussed at home. GLSEN wants teachers to actively engage in picking a side on one of the most controversial topics of the day, and then advocate that to students.

We highly encourage you to keep an eye on what your school district is doing on this day.

Listen to the voicemails and emails we've received because of our opposition to the "Day of Silence." They are full of hateful rhetoric and threats of violence. Does this sound like a day that promotes tolerance? The answer is a resounding "No." This day does nothing but promote division and shaming of others who disagree with you.

GLSEN is funded by progressive donors like The Gill Foundation, the National Education Association, and the David Geffen Foundation—all flush with cash to fund their progressive agenda in our nation’s schools.

The interim Executive Director of GLSEN makes more in one year, than CRI's entire staff salaries put together.

View their 2020 financials here.

Unlike GLSEN, our organization is 100% donor funded. Will you help us continue to raise our voice despite the forces that would silence us?

Yes! I want to give a tax-deductible donation today!

Mail a Check to: CRI520 Capitol Mall, Ste. B-1Sacramento, CA 95814