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Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 01:05 AM


First Published in 1994


Speaker Mike Johnson Announces Plan to Fund Ukraine War Effort

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has announced he plans to pass funding for Ukraine — with support from Democrats in the face of opposition from constitutionalist Republicans.Foreign aid is unconstitutional, since it isn’t one of the enumerated powers delegated to Congress under Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution. Instead of unconstitutionally prioritizing the borders of other countries, Congress must put America’s borders and national interests first.Please contact Congress, and urge them to oppose all foreign aid to Ukraine and other countries.

Congress and the Biden administration are throwing tens of billions of dollars at Ukraine — even as they ignore serious domestic problems, such as our ballooning national debt and the invasion on our southern border. It is imperative that Congress end all U.S. financial and military support for Ukraine and instead focus on solving our own country’s problems.

Any foreign aid to Ukraine is unconstitutional. Foreign aid is not one of the enumerated powers delegated to Congress under Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government’s powers are “few and defined,” as James Madison wrote in The Federalist, No. 45, and it cannot lawfully take any action not expressly authorized in the Constitution — including doling out foreign aid, regardless of the country it’s being given to.

Continued U.S. support to Ukraine undermines the national defense of the American homeland and risks entangling the U.S. into a potential protracted hot war with a nuclear power. Instead, the United States should heed the wisdom of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. For example, in his farewell address, President George Washington said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” Rather than concerning itself with the defense and borders of Ukraine, Congress should prioritize the U.S.’s own national defense and secure the southern border with Mexico.

Contact and urge your U.S. representative and senators to end all U.S. financial and military support for Ukraine — and, more broadly, to follow the U.S. Constitution, avoid all foreign entanglements, and begin putting American national interests first.