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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 12:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Congressman speaks to Greenville Tea Party

Trey-Gowdy-Speaks---11-12When Congressman Trey Gowdy spoke to the Greenville Tea Party on Thursday, November 1st, 2012, there were several abuses he wanted to make sure the crowd knew about. Those topics were Solyndra, manipulating the debt ceiling, recess appointments, and immigration.

A firm believer that the government should not be in the structure of picking winners and losers from the business end, Gowdy gave the example of Solyndra going bankrupt after $527 million in aid was given from the government. Gowdy believes that the government should wear a blindfold when it comes to handing out aid where grants are awarded by merits, and the executive branch shouldn’t fill out the applications for organizations like what has happened in the past.

“But this administration is helping its cronies, friends and political buddies,” said Gowdy. “Google solar companies, government loans, bankruptcy. Put those words in your Google search and see what kicks up.”

When Gowdy asked Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary, how big the number would be if he had one more increase to the debt ceiling, Geithner answered that the number would make Gowdy uncomfortable. The real number is between 80 and 100 trillion dollars. The executive branch writes the legislative branch to tell them that the money has run out, and Gowdy says that letter will be waiting on the President after the election.

Feeling that the recent recess appointment goes against the guidelines that the forefathers set out to frame the Constitution, Gowdy makes a call to action for citizens.

“I want you to read that part of your Constitution. Then ask yourself if you think the framers, our forefathers, were talking about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when they put that clause in the Constitution or whether or not they were thinking about something called the National Labor Relations Board,” said Gowdy.

When three vacancies opened within the NLRB in the summer of 2011, it took the President a couple of months before any names were sent to Congress. Then on the 16th of December the third name was sent in.

“This is an agency that is supposed to be so important that they have to make a recess appointment. That is supposed to be how vital it is, we sidestep the Constitution,” said Gowdy.

Filing on December 17th gave the Senate two weeks to have a hearing. Gowdy stated that the names that were sent in were from individuals that hadn’t even filled out their applications at the time of submission.

Before taking questions Gowdy touched on the topic of immigration. He reminded attendees that a memo was sent to Congress from Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano saying that recent immigration laws would not be enforced. He warned that the only reason the laws were not enforced was because it benefitted potential voters as the election approached. Gowdy warns that even though breaking rules may go in your favor, getting in the habit will inevitably be dangerous for anyone further down the road. Setting a precedent for trampling on the law will allow both sides to create the same loop-holes in the future for whatever topics they choose, good or bad.