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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 02:27 PM


First Published in 1994


What Did the President Know, When Did He Know it, and What Did He Do About it?

On September 11, 2012, a well-organized and well-armed al-Qaeda force attacked the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. U. S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans, including two former Navy Seals working for the CIA, were massacred in a battle that lasted some seven hours.

For several weeks, the Obama Administration claimed the attack grew out of a spontaneous demonstration in reaction to a video critical of Mohammed.

Furious at the cowardly and potentially treasonous behavior of the Commander-in-Chief and top civilian and military leaders, unnamed sources began leaking official documents, some classified, to trusted members of Congress and FOX News.

The official messages from Ambassador Stephens to his boss in the White House and State Department painted a very different picture than that portrayed by White House Spokesmen. The messages told a story of previous attacks, indications that more were to come and pleas for help weeks in advance of the lethal attack and continuing until just hours or minutes before the Ambassador was murdered. There had been many warnings, either intentionally or otherwise ignored by the elected leaders in Washington.

Three months earlier, on June 6, 2012, a bomb was planted at the compound in Benghazi that blew a 12-foot wide hole in the protective wall of the compound.

A week later, there was an attempt to assassinate the British Ambassador. A rocket-propelled grenade wounded a doctor and a medic in the assassination attempt. The British post was closed and the Ambassador left town the very next day.

After the second attack on their compound, the Red Cross left the city. The only Western flag left flying was the American flag over the Benghazi compound. Lt. Colonel Andrew Wood testified under oath before the House Oversight Committee that his highly skilled security unity was pulled from Libya during this time of concern over protests from the Ambassador and himself. A month before the murder of the Ambassador and other Americans, an emergency meeting was held at the compound in Benghazi to discuss Islamist militants and their training camps in the area.

The next day, August 16, an urgent message was sent to the Department of State stating that the compound was in imminent danger of attack and was incapable of defending itself against a “coordinated attack.”

A month after the Benghazi attack, during the Vice- Presidential debate, Joe Biden lied and said, “We weren’t told they wanted more security there.” Catherine Herridge of FOX News obtained a copy of the August 16 “smoking gun” message.

Several members of Congress, including South Carolina’s Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, have written letters to the president and cabinet members with no answers provided. In a Nov. 1 news release, Graham said:

“Mr. President, the families of the fallen and the American people deserve nothing less than a full accounting of what happened. They deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The time for stonewalling, delaying, and denying are over.”

The evidence of betrayal of American heroes and lying to the American people are so explosive that the State Department and the Administration have refused to answer questions. It is clear that they want to keep the facts quiet until after the election.

But patriots in the military and elsewhere are not going to let this incident of betrayal be “swept under the rug.”

The mother of a State Department employee killed with the Ambassador has demanded answers. Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, a former Navy Seal working for the CIA who came to the aid of the Ambassador and fought for more than 6-hours before being killed, continues to demand answers.

Charles Woods described the White House explanation of what happened in Benghazi “a pack of lies,” and those in the Administration who were asked for help and refused “guilty of murder.”

“My son violated his orders in order to protect the lives of at least 30 people. He risked his life to be a hero. I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same moral courage that my son displayed with his life.”

“Remember this Mr. President, my son and the others died heroes. And it’s better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward.”