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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:19 PM


First Published in 1994


Some Things you do by Executive Order, You Need Money for it to be implemented – and that’s up to Congress

The spin is on. After 150 years of mendacity, Hollywood has admitted that Lincoln was a dictator and Bill Clinton on Sunday night told a television audience on the Golden Globe show that future presidents should be more like Lincoln in his role as dictator. Clinton and the Hollywood left has set the stage for the coming gun, ammo, magazine grab many said could never happen in this country.

NRA President David Keene told CNN recently that the meeting with Vice President Biden was little more than an “attack on the Second Amendment.”

Biden, who had met with Hollywood celebrities and other anti-gun activists as well as one group of Second Amendment supporters, in a public statement claimed he saw a “growing consensus for the federal government to seek universal background checks for gun buyers and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines.

“The public wants us to act,” Biden said. He said representatives of victims insisted on the need for “near universal background checks. Not just close the gun show loophole but totally universal background checks including private sales.”

Keene said the NRA could work with the White House in trying to get those who have been determined by law to be mentally ill into a national registry of those who are barred from purchasing firearms. That would make a difference, because the people who have been involved in these shootings have been people who are severely mentally ill.

“We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment,

“While claiming that no policy proposals would be prejudged, this task force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hard-working Americans.

“We know and we knew going into this meeting, what the president’s position on the so-called assault-weapons ban is – the same position he’s had for years. These are not new positions,” Keene concluded.

“The Vice President had said that we would do this with an open mind, but at the meeting, he said ‘No, we’ve already made up our mind on that.’ No, there’s not going to be any agreement on that,” Keene said.

It is expected that the White House will announce new restrictions on guns, magazines and ammunition beginning this week. Any effective measures to deal with violence in “gun-free” zones will likely be taken at the state and county levels. That is clearly not an interest of Vice President Biden and the White House.

The House will have an opportunity to block any unwise legislation that has a price tag.