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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994



The nation faces grave problems that are unlikely to be resolved by Congress.  This seems to be the conclusion of most of the conservatives in attendance at the Greenville Tea Party monthly meeting held at the ZEN in downtown Greenville last Thursday, July 25.

Congressman Jeff Duncan, the featured speaker, and Senator Tim Scott, who also made an appearance, revealed the depth and scope of some of the government-created problems facing America.  State Treasurer Curtis Loftis was also in attendance.

Over 100 members, guests and media were provided inside insights on major Congressional controversies.

Rep. Duncan began the discussion by noting that oil production is booming in North Dakota because the drilling is on state-owned or private land.  When President Obama touts increased American oil production during his term of office, he deceitfully takes credit for the oil exploration that he could not stop while at the same time denying drilling permits on U.S. government controlled land.

The discussion turned to potential benefits to South Carolina from opening up drilling opportunities offshore. There is potential to drill about 70 miles from our coastline.  The drilling rigs would not be seen from the beaches and coastal communities, and 37% of the revenue generated from such drilling would come back into the South Carolina economy.  The federal government controls the permitting of offshore drilling.  Obama ended offshore drilling within 125 miles of our coast.  Rep. Duncan has introduced legislation to allow oil and exploration and drilling off the South Carolina coast.

Benghazi Remainsa Hot Issue

Turning to foreign affairs, Rep. Duncan explained how the investigation of the Benghazi consulate tragedy by three investigative subcommittees has been unable so far to force accountability on the Obama administration for the tragic mishaps in Benghazi. Rep. Duncan believes that an investigation by Congress in its customary manner will actually work against uncovering the truth.

The subcommittees’ formats prohibit in-depth probing of the circumstances in Benghazi.  Every Republican member’s five-minute interrogation of each witness is interrupted by a five-minute question from the opposition whose objective is often to prevent the public from learning the disappointing truth about Benghazi.

In an effort to streamline the investigation, Rep. Duncan has asked Speaker John Boehner to appoint a special prosecutor to supervise and streamline the investigation.  Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy was a prosecutor before going to Congress.  He has shown himself to be one of the most effective interrogators in the House.  If Rep. Gowdy could independently investigate, he would get to the truth quickly. Rep. Duncan and others have not been able to convince Speaker Boehner to adopt the more productive approach of interrogation. Rep. Duncan finished on the topic by saying that even though nothing much shows up in the news, investigations and classified meetings are continuing.

IRS Investigations, Spending, and Obamacare

The discussion then moved on to IRS investigations, spending and the Department of Defense appropriations bill.  There was an exchange concerning the problem with continuing resolutions being used instead of new budget bills.  That led to a lengthy discussion of our 17 trillion dollar debt.  Duncan wants a budget bill, not another continuing resolution, but accepts the inevitability that there will be another continuing resolution.

In an emphatic statement, Rep. Duncan declared that he will not vote for a continuing resolution that does not defund Obamacare.  One Greenville Tea Party member declared that the American Republic’s existence cannot be sustained if Obamacare is not defunded in the next continuing resolution.

On immigration reform, Rep. Duncan stated that before we do anything else we must secure the border.  He has been to Texas to speak with border control agents and observe what they are doing.  He pointed out that 41% of all illegals came to the U.S legally with visas.  They just did not go home when their visas expired.  We know who they are.  Duncan said we need to enforce the existing immigration laws before talking about new immigration bills.  One point that was made loudly and succinctly was “no amnesty!”

Rep. Duncan also thought it necessary that a House bill on immigration combined with a Senate immigration bill NOT enter into conference.  The point was emphasized again during question and answer period.  The congressman will not support a bill that is weakened by combination with the Senate bill.

Someone asked Rep. Duncan to speak to Rep. Gowdy about the latter’s new position on immigration.

During the Q and A that followed, Rep. Duncan and Sen. Tim Scott offered further insights.

When asked about the chances of defunding Obamacare, Rep. Duncan’s replied that the idea is growing in popularity.

Why Do IRS Agents Need AR-15?

There was a question about IRS agents buying ammo.  Earlier this year Rep. Duncan was getting a lot of questions about ammo shortages and government agencies stockpiling guns and ammo.  He went to the training center where several federal agencies send their agents.  He asked to see the ammo warehouse.  While there he saw a group of IRS agents training with AR-15’s on the 100 yard range.  After he left he wondered why IRS agents would be trained for “standoff capability.”  His own question was why the IRS could not use U.S. Marshals with rifles if such a need arose.  He still has not gotten an answer on why IRS agents need AR-15’s.  He is trying to get more House members to weigh in on this issue.

Foreign Aid to Egypt

Sen. Scott was asked about foreign aid among other things.  Joshua Cook from the Greenville Post asked why we give foreign aid to countries that hate us.  When the question about the constitutionality of foreign aid came up Sen. Scott answered that nothing in the Constitution authorizes foreign aid.  The major part of the discussion concerned Egypt being taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood.  Rep. Duncan’s pithy statement on the subject of U.S. dollars going to countries that hate us: “They can hate us for free!”