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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Resolution Supporting Replacement of Sen. Lindsey Graham Presented to Executive Committee

Supporters of Chad Groover and supporters of Samuel Harms for chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party were ready to do battle Monday night when Groover surprised everyone by offering a motion to delay the vote until September to allow Harms, who is engaged in representing the Greenville County GOP in a court case, to become a candidate.  The trial pertaining to registration by party begins August 21.

Should Harms be elected Chairman of the party before the court case is resolved, it would create an awkward situation that could jeopardize the legal action and should be avoided.


The final action of the executive committee Monday night was to delay nominations for chairman  and a candidate forum until September 9th, and the final vote for the chairman to replace Betty Poe is set for September 9th.

The majority of the Executive Committee supported and was pleased with the delay, however some supporters of Groover were unhappy with the outcome.

In other business, State Executive Committeeman Jim Lee was instructed to ask the State Executive Committee to reinstate their support of the Greenville County legal action pertaining to registration by party. More than a year ago, the Committee had unanimously voted to support the Greenville County initiative in court. However, former State GOP Chairman Chad Connelly withdrew support without approval of the committee as a final apparent spiteful gesture toward the Greenville County GOP as one of his last official acts before leaving office. Clearly, the appearance of a lack of state party support has weakened the court case.

Finally, a Resolution supporting the replacement of Senator Lindsey Graham was presented to the Executive Committee from the floor.

The resolution lists 29 actions by Sen. Graham that the resolution states are “fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party.” The actions include voting with Democrats to appoint radicals Elena Kagan and Sandra Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, and consistently supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

The Resolution will be read at the September 9 meeting of the Executive Committee and voted on at the October 7 meeting.