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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994



One of the attendees Saturday the 28th at an all-day training session said, “ Now I see what to do and its not all that hard.”  She is one of the 14 that have joined the new Advocacy Center sponsored by the Greenville Tea Party.

“South Carolina lags behind her neighboring states on important factors that make life better. What is the problem?” asks Don Rogers, who along with Bill McShea, are heading up the new effort to change specific laws in the state.  “Many of our state laws make us less productive, less educated, less healthy, less safe, and less free. Laws are made in Committees; we the people need to be there free-of charge in reserve VIP seats” Rogers declared.

According to the PowerPoint presentation that was shown in the training session, the plan is for the team members of the Advocacy Center to use technology to provide a virtual presence at key committee meetings.

A separate team along with a team leader is assigned to the most important legislative committees. Each team will select a small number of best and worst bills on which to educate voters and legislators.

The Advocacy Center teams will use the South Carolina Legislative Information Tracking System to be advised by email of any activities related to the bills of interest to the team. The system permits multi-criteria searches on any bill from which custom reports may be generated.

The teams will assess the South Carolina legislative website to find out, for example, how members voted, to get committee meeting schedules and agendas, or to see biographical data on each committee member.

The purpose is to get the committees to take the right action on each bill by informing and educating the legislative committee members and voters. Two primary educational resources will be Greenville Tea Party Scorecards and the SC Policy Council.