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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Resolution in support of the Replacement of Senator Lindsey Graham as Senator for the State of South Carolina passed by a margin of two to one

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive committee voted Monday night to censure South Carolina senior Senator Lindsey Graham.

The vote in favor of the resolution was 53 to 26 opposed. The measure that had been introduced in August was passed with little debate. Although the vote was lopsided against Graham, it revealed an increase in Graham supporters in the Executive Committee over votes to censure in previous years.

In other business, Attorney Samuel Harms gave a much awaited presentation on the status of the County GOP lawsuit seeking change to the South Carolina voting laws that are believed to be unconstitutional as they pertain to the primary and convention candidate selection processes. The presentation was given in executive session with only Executive Committeemen and precinct presidents and other party officers present, in compliance with attorney client rules. Many Greenville County Republicans believe that the survival of the South Carolina Republican Party platform and honest government is dependent on returning to a system that allows political parties to select their own candidates.

Well-guarded public records allegedly indicate that  almost 100,000 Democrats voted in the most recent Republican presidential primary. In the city of Greenville alone, more than 20 percent of voters in the Republican Primary were known Democrats,

State Executive Committeeman Jim Lee gave a report on the activities of the state executive committee and new paid party chairman, whose salary remains secret.

Efforts will continue to encourage the state executive committee to keep their commitment to support the efforts of Greenville County in the court case. Former Chairman Chad Connelly had state support withdrawn, allegedly without consent of the State Executive Committee just before leaving the state to take a lucrative job with the National Republican organization.

The Greenville County Executive Committee approved a censure of the former chairman for his alleged unethical and spiteful behavior toward Greenville County Republicans earlier in the year.