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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:15 AM


First Published in 1994


'Credibility of Current Leadership is Gone – Doing Nothing is not an Option – Hope is not a Strategy'

Retired Major General Paul E. Vallely is continuing his plea for Americans to “get off our derrieres, march to the state capitol, march in Washington and make citizens arrests.”

The outspoken general , who is gaining favor with tea party groups insists that we must confront Barack Obama’s tyranny now. To do so, he is proposing an Egyptian model through which to deal with the current regime.

When asked by a WBTM Radio reporter if he thought America could be restored by a corrupt electoral process, he said the “absence of leadership in the White House and Congress makes it difficult. I’m not even sure our traditional process will straighten our government out in time to save us,” he said.

He said processes like impeachment will not happen. “Millions of Americans need to stand up to Washington within the next twelve months.”

He said revolution is the least palatable option. “Others talk about the military taking over as we saw in Egypt. We do not support this route.”

At the same time he insisted doing nothing is not an option because Washing will not fix itself, and “hope is not a strategy.”

He suggested a “no confidence vote” or legislation that could create a national recall process.

The dead serious general said we can’t overlook those who are conducting treason, violating the Constitution and violating our laws. “When you have a president and his team who don’t care about the Constitution, they will do anything they can to win,” he said.

“Credibility of the current leadership is gone,” Vallely said.

“What is our nation to do now that the rule of law has effectively been thrown out the window by the Obama Administration? How are we to trust our government anymore, now that lying and fraud are acceptable practices?”Gen. Vallely listed at least 15 times Obama has changed the Obamacare law without consulting congress. Then he listed 21 broken promises that he described as a “sample of Obama’s broken promises and lies.”

Republicans could make gains in both houses of congress in November, however Obama, and his loyal hand picked aides will remain. Most know that if they lose control of the FBI, NSA, IRS and Justice Department, they may go to jail for a long time. They plan to transition after 2016 to someone who will continue the Obama transformation process.

WND is the only news outlet covering the statements of “Gen. Vallely FOX News and WND are giving coverage to Congressman Trey Gowdy who is is exhibiting a great deal of courage. Recently Gowdy said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.”

Looking ahead to the 2014 General Election, FOX News asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.”Why not? Asked Gowdy. If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes. If you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute testifying before the House Judiciary Committee was asked about the constitutional right for citizens to alter or overthrow their government.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate,” Cannon said. “If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they. It is very dangerous for the President to wantonly ignore the laws, to  try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”

Without action, General Vallely concluded, “Obama will just continue to subvert the Constitution he took an oath to faithfully protect.”