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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Observe how Reporters for Liberal Media tend to Portray Conservatives as a Crude and Ignorant Passing Phenomenon Composed of Mindless Followers of Rush Limbaugh


Washington Post readers were recently given a portrait of what they described as “tea party groups feeling besieged” in Greenville, South Carolina.

“Although poll numbers showed the tea party more unpopular than ever, here was Mary Beth Green arriving in a car with a bumper sticker that read, “I am a Free American.”

Waving a biscuit, Dean Allen said: “When we are demoralized, we get crap like Obama in the White House.” Allen, who is writing a book, titled Rattlesnake Revolution: The Tea Party Strikes, said it was people like him who are the future of the party.

“Hear, Hear! said Justin Alexander, … biting into his chicken.”

Jackie Fiedler, 65, who had been taking notes, said she felt encouraged.

Alan Rickard, 57, said he agreed with what Rush Limbaugh had been saying earlier in the day.

He joined a buffet line with Bob Dowd, 70, a retired police officer who said, “I think Speaker Boehner needs to be replaced.”

Milling around was Bob Dill, 80, publisher of The Times Examiner newspaper, who said he did not believe polls showing tea party conservatives losing popularity. “I think its wishful thinking on the part of the leadership of the Republican Party,” he said. These are statements gleaned from an article published in the Washington Post following the festive dinner that launched the South Carolina Chapter of Americans for Prosperity. The event was held at Tommy’s Country Ham House in Greenville and featured AFP President Tim Phillips and Third District Congressman Jeff Duncan as keynote speakers. Stephanie McCrummen, a reporter for the Washington Post, had followed Tim Phillips to Tommy’s Country Ham House to check out the remains of the conservative tea party movement after House Speaker John Boehner had declared from his high perch in the nation’s capitol that the movement had “lost all credibility.”

None of the interviews in Greenville that Monday morning supported the Boehner thesis. In truth, it was a non-partisan group of patriots seeking ways to save the republic from the destructive Progressives in Washington.

It was necessary, therefore, for Ms. Stephanie to construct a report that would, in some way, support the Boehner thesis. Desirous of keeping her job, she or her editors decided to describe those interviewed as aging crude conservative that turned out for a free chicken dinner and are becoming incapable of making a difference in the world of politics.

Ms. Stephanie, the Washington Post roving reporter, was courteous and pleasant, but not especially accurate in her reporting of important facts and ages of individuals interviewed.

Debbie Spaugh was kind to Stephanie; however, she pointed out that the reporter “got some of her facts wrong.”

“For example, Linda and I are no longer volunteer co-chairs of AFP-SC. There are no volunteer co-chairs. Dave Schwartz is the AFP-SC Upstate Field Coordinator. Linda is not employed by AFP.”

One tea party activist noted that Stephanie did have a “not from around here” look with that thing around her neck.