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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:15 AM


First Published in 1994


Passionate Grass roots Support Influenced Reversal of Political “Witch Hunt”

Representative Bill Chumley has been exonerated. The South Carolina House Ethics Committee has dropped all charges against the state representative from Woodruff who introduced and pushed a bill through the State House to nullify Obamacare and block it from from implementation in South Carolina, ruffling the feathers of the House Speaker and others.

A complaint was filed against Chumley by his political Democrat challenger, who alleged that Chumley had violated SC Code 8-13-765 that in part prohibits the use of government personnel or facilities for campaign purposes. 

The basis for the frivolous charge pertained to use of a state owned aircraft for official state business. The committee had reportedly voted unanimously to proceed with determining “probable cause.”

In November 2013 the House Ethics Committee started an investigation into Representative Bill Chumley’s use of the State plane in 2012 to bring Dr. Walter Williams to Columbia from Virginia to testify before a House Sub-Committee. Dr. Williams, a well known economics professor at George Mason University, provided testimony on House Bill 3101 – The Freedom of Healthcare Protection Act otherwise known as Obamacare Nullification.

Chumley thought he had received all necessary assurances that his actions were legal and ethical when he received written assurances from the legal council for the Ethics Committee prior to using the plane.

Emma Deane, a House Ethics Committee attorney, in part, wrote: “It is the opinion of the Ethics Committee staff that you would not be committing a violation of the South Carolina Ethics Act by requiring the state plane be used to transport a witness to a subcommittee meeting. “

The hearing room was packed with Chumley supporters when the committee voted to throw out the allegations as unfounded.

Members of the committee are :

Kenny Bingham

David Weeks

Mike Pitts

Chandra Dillard

Jenny Horne

Elizabeth Munnerlyn

Tommy Pope

Ronnie Sabb

Murrell Smith

Leon Stavrinakis

Senator Tom Davis has announced he is pushing the Nullification of Obamacare in the state senate and has received national press coverage for his plans.