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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994


“Millions of Dollars Each Year … Go to Promote the Girl Scout’s Partnership with Planned Parenthood”

Several pro-life organizations are encouraging their members and supporters to “say no” when Girl Scouts come to the door with cookies. They give as a reason the financial support going to Planned Parenthood from the Scout organization and the propaganda influence the organization is having on young girls and their mothers.  Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider.

WND reported that the American Life League, the nation’s oldest Catholic pro-life education and advocacy group, urged people to avoid buying Girl Scout Cookies. “The Girl Scouts was once a trusted organization dedicated to character building in young girls and women. Now, GSUSA is abusing that trust,” said Judie Brown, president of ALL.

“Most parents and grandparents remain painfully unaware the GSUSA has introduced so-called ‘family planning’ ideology in its curriculum and promotes groups like Planned Parenthood to our daughters and granddaughters.”

A statement released by the American Family Association stated: It’s hard to say no to those little girls in the green and brown sashes, but buying Girl Scout cookies serves only to further facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda.”

AFA quoted from an article by Christie Volanski in LifeNews.com:

“GSUSA will try to assure you that all the proceeds from cookie sales stay local to benefit girls in their community. What they fail to mention is that GSUSA makes millions of dollars each year through licensing fees paid by the baker. It’s money like that that goes to promote the Girl Scout’s partnership with Planned Parenthood,” AFA reported.