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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Former President of Taxpayers Association Continues to Warn Elected Officials of the “Enemy Within”

Butch-Taylor---2-19-14He looked tired but moved quickly to the podium carrying an armfull of materials to be passed out to lawmakers. Speaking rapidly, and displaying the energy of a man half his age, he made it clear to the Greenville County Legislative Delegation that he has stepped down and passed the leadership of the County Taxpayers Association to someone else, but he was not going away.

As long as he has a breath in his body, he is not going to allow them to forget their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and their obligation to safeguard the freedom of the people they are paid to represent in the state government.

Specifically, he promised not to allow them to forget their duty to oppose the oppressive United Nations Agenda 21 that he has been educating and warning them about for more than 20 years.

Robert G. “Butch” Taylor has owned and operated a business in Greenville County since he graduated from Furman University. He has been a fearless champion and outspoken advocate for Greenville County property owners and taxpayers for at least 30 years. He served as president of the Greenville County Taxpayers Association for more than a decade.

Taylor is one of the most knowledgeable private citizens in the nation regarding the United Nations diabolical plan to end private property ownership and the unscrupulous, deceptive tactics used to bribe and intimidate local elected officials.  Deceptive tactics, financial incentives and intimidation are being employed to implement the program officially named Agenda 21 over the objections of intended victims.

“Butch” Taylor got his first indication that something was seriously wrong when he saw a United Nations sign in the Mountains of North Carolina. His interest was peaked and he became concerned that our freedom was in jeopardy when he attended a Model Cities meeting in Travelers Rest soon thereafter.

He picked up a couple of brochures at the conclusion of that unusual meeting. One of the brochures referenced United Nations official publications.

The environmentalists and bureaucrats present, looking forward to the possibility of lucrative grants probably looked at the UN references and thought, “how wonderful!” That was not the reaction of Taylor. The UN references further peaked his concerns. He thought: “Why is the United Nations interested in promoting projects in a small rural town in Upstate South Carolina? Why are they financially and politically involved with radical  environmental organizations and trying to organize and influence unsuspecting local citizens using the deceptive and unethical Delphi Technique?”

Taylor quickly found out that elected officials and bureaucrats denied the existence of Agenda 21, although some of them were  unwittingly supporting its implementation in their state and communities.

Immediately, Taylor expended personal funds to order the original publications from the United Nations that exposed the entire stealth plan for controlling every aspect of life in the United States.

Then as now, most elected officials denied the existence of Agenda 21 and bristled at the accusation that they were either helping to implement the UN agenda or at least passively allowing it to be implemented without opposition. Some continue to deny the implementation of the diabolical agenda in South Carolina, Greenville County and especially the city of Greenville that is paying dues to an organization that is directing their implementation of Agenda 21.

Mayor Knox White and the city of Greenville are honored members of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI.

Range Magazine discusses ICLEI and the methods used to reach their tentacles into local communities such as Greenville in the middle of the most conservative county in South Carolina.

“Without the name Agenda 21 or Sustainable America even being mentioned, programs with sizeable cash grants were announced to local governments. Each one was heavily promoted using the theme of becoming a more ‘prosperous and desirable place to live.’ The American Planning Association and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives had dozens of templates and manpower to help cash strapped communities ‘plan for the 21st century.’

“These local government officials were happy to take the money and had no understanding of what was happening to them, or cared that they were implementing Sustainable America and Agenda 21. When concerned citizens accused elected officials of implementing Agenda 21, they could adamantly say they were not, because they really didn’t know they were.”

Taylor began attending planning meetings armed with the UN publications to enlighten the deceived followers of the agenda.

The Delphi Technique is ineffective if its methods are exposed. Therefore, the leaders of organizations benefiting financially from Agenda 21 grants and well-funded liberal organizations began to avoid Taylor and his warnings. His message and documentation that could not be refuted was hurting their credibility with a gullible public that had been thoroughly brainwashed with the need to trade freedom for promises of clean water and air and the protection of endangered bugs and fish.

Eventually elected politicians, knowing Taylor had the facts, but were unwilling to do their homework and challenge the powerful radical environmental lobby that is funded and legally supported by government agencies, became passive. They smiled, were friendly and tolerated the message and warnings Taylor  brought them every time they met in Greenville. However, they did nothing to stem the tide of the implementation of the dictatorial agenda.

Taylor had limited time to address the Greenville County Legislative Delegation at their January 2014 meeting. He spoke briefly and presented each lawmaker with a reading assignment. Part of the assignment was a gift of their own personal copy of the 2014 Winter Edition of Range magazine. Range is a magazine that has documented the struggles of farmers and ranchers of the western states with the government and radical environmental organizations.

He highlighted sections regarding “Agenda 21 Destruction of property rights, Visioning, and Conservation easements.”

In order to “level the playing field” and redistribute wealth in the United States, and inflict every American with the same level of misery and poverty, property rights must be eliminated.

The change agents implementing Agenda 21 use a series of workshops to “allegedly get input from citizens. However, the workshop conclusions are set in advance using the Delphi Technique to herd citizens to a predetermined outcome.”

The Greenville County Citizen Roads Advisory Commission is using the Delphi Technique to dupe citizens into believing that a majority of their neighbors want a one cent increase in the sales tax to repair state and county roads. It worked perfectly in Greer recently, when at least 90 percent of those in attendance agreed to support a tax increase for roads.

Agenda 21 covers everything from human population to urban development, global warming, women’s rights and much more. When fully implemented it will eliminate private land ownership and control every aspect of human activity. Obamacare and the Federal Common Core education standards are parts of the agenda.

Taylor  made the reading assignment as simple as possible for the elected officials, by highlighting special sections and pasting notes with arrows pointing to other special sections.