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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Texas Congressman Scolds President for Intimidating Employers, Middle Class; Republican Leaders for Failing to Stand up for America

Last week President Obama arbitrarily changed the Healthcare law, once again violating his constitutional authority for political purposes. He delayed implementation of the employer mandate for businesses employing between 50 and 99 employees until after the 2014 congressional elections. The delay is designed to ease another part of Obamacare implementation in order to help Democrats who voted for the healthcare bill win reelection.

At the same time, it is reported that the Treasury Department is threatening these employers by telling them that if they decide to reduce their employee numbers below 50, they must swear under penalty of perjury that the reduction was not to avoid Obamacare. In fact, any employer who reduces staffing below 50 employees under the proposed rules becomes a potential felon.

Meanwhile, it has been reported by WND and other news organizations that the IRS has contracted some of its duties involving nonprofit organizations taking in less than $50,000 annually to a contractor partially funded by liberal billionaire, Obama supporter George Soros.

Catherine Englebrecht, President of True the Vote, who testified again before a congressional committee last week, said she was not surprised at the connection to Soros or the heavy-handed tactics of the IRS when dealing with conservative nonprofit organizations. Englebrecht, an articulate, patriot, whose non-partisan  organization is devoted to registering voters and urging them to go to the polls and vote, has been harassed for more than three years by the IRS, FBI and other federal agencies and still does not have approval of her nonprofit tax application.

Though great attempts have been made by the Obama Administration to intimidate her and shut her up, she remains unreconstructed.

“It is exactly as it seems to be,” she said. “They are weaponizing government against private individuals and nonprofit organizations that oppose the current policy or the performance of this administration. They want them silenced. It doesn’t shock me in the least. This is the bare-knuckle politics that we sadly see being used by agencies within the government that are not about representing people but are about maintaining their power.”

Englebrecht said she could not think of any legitimate reason why the IRS and a group like the Urban Institute, partly funded by Soros and partly funded by the IRS would be working together on matters involving sensitive personal information the government requires from tax-exempt applicants.

Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas is as hard on the Republican leadership as he is on Obama and the

Democrats. He blames Congress for letting Obama get away with ignoring laws and the Constitution.

Gohmert strongly disagrees with the claims by Republican leaders in Congress that they can’t stop Obama’s rush toward a socialist dictatorship until the GOP controls both houses of congress and the White House.

”Republicans have tremendous power on issues like debt and spending because the House controls the purse strings,” Gohmert argues.

“You cannot get one dime appropriated for anything, including all of the pet projects of the White House unless the Republicans in the House go along with it. We have the most important half of the legislative branch. Because we haven’t been willing to stand up for the Constitution and stand up for an end to this massive deficit spending like never in our history that’s going on under this president, the country is hurting.”

Congressman Gohmert rejects the idea that Republicans should keep a low profile and not rock the boat or ruffle any feathers this year, and come back next year and do something. He said recent history proved that approach to be a loser.

He said the Democrats are standing up for what they believe and Republicans are not.

“Harry Reid certainly stood up in his war against children by spending future children’s money that we don’t even have, when he last September and October said, ‘No, I’m not negotiating at all.’ If we felt as strongly about our principles as Harry Reid does about shutting down the government unless they can keep spending children’s and their grandchildren’s money, then I think we would be able to prevail on things that would help America,” Congressman Gohmer concluded in an interview withWND.com.