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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Sales Manager, Home School Mom, Conservative Republican, Favors Smaller, more efficient Government

Michelle-Wiles---3-26-14Michelle Wiles, Sales Manager and Director of Public Relations for Panacea Biofuels, LLC, who successfully homeschooled 6 children, is running for the South Carolina House to represent District 4 in Pickens County.

Wiles has been active in the Republican Party, education organizations and community activities.

She is outspoken on her position on issues that need attention in state government.

Smaller Government: Smaller government allows greater economic freedom and personal liberty. The people have power and the government serves their needs. Citizens should see County and city government as more important than state and federal government.

“As your state representative, I will work to contain the growth of state government in South Carolina. I want Pickens County residents to have freedom to create businesses and raise families without excessive restrictions.

Tax Reform and Fiscal Discipline: “Government should work within its means without deficit spending, especially as our state debt continues to grow. Two approaches to containing the cost of government are zero baseline budgeting and annual reviews of whether a state agency or program is needed. I will support bills to implement these strategies.”

South Carolina Roads: “There is a spending problem at the state level. Certain representatives in Columbia are demanding tax increases to pay for state road repairs. Instead of raising taxes to pay for road repairs, I will work with like-minded conservatives to pass legislation that will better manage road funds and make the S. C. Department of Transportation more accountable and efficient.”

Education: “School choice is one of the most personal decisions one can make with regards to raising a family. Parents must be allowed to make the decision on which education choice is based. I am also in the fight to protect our children from the Common Core education standards.”

Guns: “The U. S. Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms. I will sponsor any legislation that promotes constitutional freedom, especially our right to own guns and protect ourselves.”

“Protecting Life: “I believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death. It is our duty to protect life at every stage. I will fulfill that duty to protect the unborn and the elderly.”

Privacy: “Protecting citizens’ privacy has become a major issue after the personal information of 33.6 million South Carolina taxpayers was stolen in 2012. The problem with identity theft existed long before that. I will support bills that strengthen protection of personal information.”

Property Rights: “Government is supposed to protect our rights, not encroach upon them. Without the right of property we are not truly free. I oppose the frivolous taking of property, and will support property owners.”

Wiles pledged to “Provide a listening ear to all residents of our district with four town hall meetings a year. and a fierce loyalty to Pickens County as your representative. I ask you to vote for real conservative change in your district representation.”