Federal Officials Violating Constitution, Meddling in Local Affairs and with the aid of “Race Baters” Undermining Law Enforcement
American police are under siege. They are being targeted by a number of lawless gangs and “lone wolf” murderers. The critical situation came into focus last Saturday when an alleged gang member, with a long police record, traveled from Georgia to Baltimore and shot his former girlfriend before boasting that he was going to New York to kill cops.
About 3 pm. he shot and killed two New York policemen while they were sitting in their marked police car in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. The killer was later identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley. He killed himself a few minutes later on a crowded Brooklyn subway platform.
The nation was quickly reminded that President Obama, Attorney General Holder and racial agitators, including New York’s own Al Sharpton, have been aiding and encouraging mobs marching through the streets chanting a call for killing police in retaliation for two policemen cleared by Grand Juries of wrongful conduct in the death of two black men.
Both the President and his attorney General projected themselves into these local law enforcement matters and are looking for ways to bring federal charges against the officers involved. The Mayor of New York has also been accused of making anti-police statements, even after two police officers were beaten by demonstrators and their radio’s force ably taken from them during a demonstration in New York.
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Newsmax that Saturday’s execution-style shooting of two uniformed police officers was ultimately encouraged by Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Rev. Al Sharpton. “de Blasio, Sharpton and all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality all have blood on their hands. These cops were killed because of them.”
New York police officers “feel that the mayor has abandoned them, called them racists, said publicly that they target the minority communities, they harass people that don’t need to be harassed,” former commissioner Kerik said. “This type of rhetoric has created this anti-cop, racist rhetoric, which is a lie.”
Kerik continued, stating that the stress and rhetoric, “has created this environment where we’ve had protests that have turned into riots, communities burnt down, cops assaulted and attacked, and most recently, two cops assassinated. If you’re a cop out there in the streets of New York City or anywhere in this nation, this rhetoric has impacted every cop in every community all over the this country. If you’re out there working today, you have to be fearful of the people that are listening to this rhetoric and want to go out there and kill cops.”
On Monday, former commissioner Kerik called on Al Sharpton to stop lying and inciting people with lies.
“Al Sharpton knows that Michael Brown attacked that cop in Ferguson, that he tried to take his gun, that he resisted arrest and even after being shot that he came back and attacked the cop again and didn’t stop until the cop repeatedly fired. He knows that. So, he’s perpetuating a lie and people are following that lie. They’re listening to him and he’s inciting them to do the things they’ve done.”
Jesse Jackson defended Sharpton, Holder and President Obama in an interview with Newsmax and said blaming them for inciting the murder of two New York City policemen is “unfair and extreme.” He said the murders were an isolated event and the actions of a “sick man” who did a sick thing and that “can’t be equated” to the majority of demonstrators or political and civil rights leaders.
“Those who are saying they want dead cops, they don’t represent the heart of our civil rights struggle,” Jackson concluded.
Commenting on the distrust policemen have for the mayor of New York, Jackson said it was “unprofessional for the police to turn their backs on the mayor as they did at a press conference.”
In the meantime, law enforcement supporters are cranking up their own demonstrations. Nohl Rosen, a Phoenix business owner, said his movement called Rally For L. E., which stands for law enforcement, will he holding demonstrations in support of police across the nation.
President Obama, the single individual that some blame with lighting the match that stared the flames of violence against police, is enjoying a 17-day holiday vacation in Hawaii.