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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:15 AM


First Published in 1994


The First Signs to Show up in Ferguson Were Sponsored by the “Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”

Communism is alive and well in the United States and playing a significant role in the recent anti-police riots and other efforts to destroy the republic.

Don’t expect to learn this from the liberal media, because they want us to think that Communism is history, a thing of the past. Thanks to the internet, the Communists are able to recruit, spread their propaganda and boast of their achievements. Since they do it openly, it is there for all who will see to know what they are doing.

Thirty years ago Nikita Kruschev predicted that the United States, that could never be conquered by a foreign army, “would be destroyed from within.” Many Americans don’t want to admit that it is happening. They prefer to keep their heads in the sand. That works to their advantage and to the disadvantage of patriotic Americans.

The first signs to show up in Ferguson, even before the grand jury decision was announced, had a website listed in bold letters on the bottom. The inscription was: revcom.us.

If you want to confirm for yourself who is behind the Ferguson signs, go to the website listed on the signs and find:

“Welcome to the Revolution: The Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party.”

Some of the statements on the homepage:

“The vision, the works, the leadership for the New Stage of Communist Revolution.”

“Ferguson is Everywhere”

“Police brutality and murder must stop!”

“Rock in the New Year with resistance to police murder.”

“Revolution and Religion”

“Take to the streets, stay in the streets – Say no more to police murder.”

From the information available on the Communist web page, it is apparent that they are involved in the undermining of local community police. This activity should be disturbing to police and the federal officials who are encouraging these  activities.