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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:23 PM


First Published in 1994


“My Oath of Office is to ‘Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States’”

Senator Jim DeMint speaking at  Taylors First Baptist Church.Senator Jim DeMint was the keynote speaker at the CEO Round Table of South Carolina Friday evening at Taylors First Baptist Church.

The mission of the CEO (Christians Empowered & Organized) Round Table of South Carolina is to bring a consistent, conservative message to the Palmetto State. This objective is accomplished by bringing together social and economic conservatives out of conviction that the two are mutually interdependent.

Members of the Round Table believe that: “Christian Principles and Capitalism saved America, and define South Carolina.”

Sen. DeMint said his oath of office is to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The job of Government is to protect freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and make sure there is a framework of laws in place. He said Americans are engaged in a battle between two world views. One would govern from the top down and the other believes that the government is a servant of the people.

Despite the recent efforts of the Obama Administration to take over banks, manufacturing, and now health care, DeMint said, “I am optimistic that we can turn it around.”

Sen. DeMint said we don’t want government pushing religion, but we want people to have the freedom to practice their religion without interference by government. He noted that half of people in evangelical churches in South Carolina are not registered to vote.

He stressed the fact that every individual can make a difference. “If all you do this year is get people next to you in the pew to register and vote, you have done your part.”

What people have done in the last few months has changed the dynamics, DeMint said. “The people in Washington are listening,” he said. “The President is listening, although he doesn’t like it. The Democrats are listening and Harry Reed has even read my book,” he concluded to spontaneous applause.

Sen. DeMint is seeking a second term next year and has a Democrat challenger. “I need your help. I am powerless without you,” he said, acknowledging that all problems can’t be solved politically, but with the sincere prayers of believers and   the help of God, all things are possible.

The Senators comments were preceded by those of Round Table President Josh Kimbrell, Dr. Charles Morton, Director of the Brashier Campus of Greenville Technical College, and Taylors First Baptist Church Pastor Dr. Frank Page. The theme of all the speakers was that as Christians we must do our best, and always remember that our ability alone is limited, but when we “come in the name of the Lord,” we can be victorious.

Dr. Cheryl Collier, Chairman of the English Department at North Greenville University was moderator and concluded her remarks with a reminder that “Jesus is coming,” but until He comes, we are to occupy and not “sit on our hands.”  We are not only to impact the culture by explaining the plan of salvation, but to reveal Jesus to the culture by example and disciple those who are saved. “If we are faithful to God, He will be faithful to you.”