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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:19 AM


First Published in 1994


Federal and State Lawmakers Pledge New Legislation, No Funding


The Center for Medical Progress released three videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s alleged participation in the illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit.

The dominant liberal media has ignored information regarding the videos.  Pro-abortion liberals are doing everything they can to sweep Planned Parenthood’s most recent scandal under the rug.  Fox and the social and Pro-life media only publish facts.

The videos are so revolting and damaging to Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry, that the industry is seeking court orders to prevent the public from viewing the taped statements of Planned Parenthood executives.

On Thursday afternoon, Lenna Smith, Executive Director of the Piedmont Women’s Center in Greenville, South Carolina, called a conference of pastors, elected officials and media to discuss an appropriate reaction to the revolting revelations. The turnout was exceptional considering the time of day and short notice given.


The event was held in a small tent in the parking lot of the Piedmont Women’s Center, and parking was across the highway at Brushy Creek Elementary School. The temperature was in the mid- nineties, however, attendees stayed to the end of the event. The tent could only shade the event participants. Others stood in the hot sun or sought shade under a tree behind the tent.

Fourth District Congressman Jeff Duncan and a few members of the Greenville County Legislative Delegation promised to attempt to block funding of Planned Parenthood at the state and federal levels.

It was noted that it is more difficult to stop the funding at the State level because the funds are tied to Federal grants with “strings attached.”

Rep. Duncan, State Senator Lee Bright, State Reps. Wendy Nanney and Garry Smith, Dr. Kendall and several members of local clergy spoke at the event.

South Carolina House Republicans are seeking an audit of Planned Parenthood clinics in the Palmetto State.

Rep. Garry Smith, who spoke at the Piedmont Women's Center event wrote a letter that was signed by twenty-six Republicans asking the Legislative Audit Council to review any taxpayer money provided to Planned Parenthood's clinics in Columbia and Charleston. Smith  said he is also asking the Legislative Oversight Committee to hold public hearings.

The third video released by the Center for Medical Progress was made as they posed as a contractor wanting to purchase body parts of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood.

This video goes into depth with Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who worked six months for the organ procurement company Stem Express, LLC. At Planned Parenthood, O’Donnell described her duties that including harvesting and processing the remains of aborted babies at Planned Parenthood.


O’Donnell explains how Planned Parenthood profited from their relationship with Stem Express, “For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.”

She also described the emotional toll her work took on her and others. At one point O’Donnell indicates that Planned Parenthood financially exploits many women who do not even really want abortions.

Christian Newswire writes that, “The video includes a disturbing scene from Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Denver, Colorado, abortion facility organ procurement room. There, Savita Ginde, who serves as Vice President and Medical Director for PPRM, identified several organs from one aborted baby’s remains that could have netted Planned Parenthood $200 to $300.

“This prompted Ginde, who was exploring entering into a contract with an organ procurement company, to voice her preference for being paid by the organ over flat rate compensation.

“’I think the ‘per item’ thing works a little better just because we can see how much we can get out of it,’” Ginde said.

Other scenes in the video show footage of discussions with Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest’s Medical Director Katherine Sheehan, and the now familiar faces of Planned Parenthood abortionists Mary Gatter and Deborah Nucatola discussing the financial benefit derived from selling aborted baby organs.

Recognizing that these videos could cause Planned Parenthood to lose the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars received from the government, Planned Parenthood denies they are engaged in the unlawful marketing of aborted baby body parts.