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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 08:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Feud with Megyn Kelly Expected to Moderate as Trump Continues to Rise in Polls

The angry exchange of insults between FOX debate moderator Megyn Kelly and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump raged in the media throughout the weekend following the testy questions posed to Trump during the Thursday night candidate debate. Predictions flourished suggesting that Trump’s answers would finish his lead in the 17 candidate lineup and possibly drive him from the campaign.

Supporters of Trump explain that the liberal media and the Republican Party leadership are out of touch with reality and have no understanding of the depth of frustration and anger existing among American voters. 

A new NBC/Monkey poll released Sunday, August 9, showed Trump increasing his lead by 1 point to 23 percent after the Thursday debate and controversy, where he was accused of using terms demeaning to women by Kelly.

The situation became especially dirty when someone allegedly surfaced a raunchy interview Megyn Kelly participated in some 5-years ago with Howard Stern. The alleged discussion of Kelly’s husband and the dimensions of his body parts tended to tarnish the squeaky clean image of Kelly who was the alleged victim of suggestive language by Trump.

Trump continued on the attack on Monday morning. Newsmax reported that Trump told MSNBC’s Morning Joe program that: “The fact is she (Kelly) asked me a very inappropriate question. She should be apologizing to me if you want to know the truth.”

By noon on Monday,  Newsmax reported that FOX News chief Roger Ailes appears to have stepped in to “smooth things over.” Trump responded immediately via Twitter: “Roger Ailes just called. He is a great guy and assures me that ‘Trump’ will be treated fairly on @FoxNews. His word is always good.”