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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 10:20 AM


First Published in 1994


South Carolina Policy Council is uncovering deception and fraud in county government. Needs volunteers and financial support to be more effective

AshleyLandess_Page-01Ashley Landess, president of the South Carolina Policy Council was guest speaker at the January 28 luncheon of the Greenville County Republican Women’s club. The Policy Council is a research organization that keeps citizens informed as to what their elected representatives are doing  behind closed doors.

Landess has been president of the South Carolina policy Council since 2008. “The General Assembly is planning to raise taxes and use tricks and political shenanigans to disguise their actions,” Landess explained. They know they have plenty of money and do not need to raise taxes. They are just spending the money they have the wrong way.

Landess said the methods used by the lawmakers may be legal, but it is wrong and it is corrupt.

The current proposals in the South Carolina Senate raises your taxes on gasoline, raises your fees to get a new drivers license, raises taxes on small fuel-efficient cars to punish people for trying to save money.

“Taxes go up and roads won’t get fixed. It is a big shell game,” Landess said.

“Over the past eight years, we know that the same lawmakers controlled the transportation system, energy policy and all levels of education. That is why things that should be good are bad. It’s all about power and it is about time they gave it up,” she said. We are going to keep you informed and let them know that you know what is going on and that you are watching.

“I need more help,” Landess  said. “We need more financial support and we need more reporters at the Nerve,” an investigative arm of the South Carolina Policy Council. She suggested that a donation of $25 per month by several people would be a great help. Donations to the Policy Council are tax deductible since it is a 501(c)(3) organization.

The Senators are trying to gain support for the gas tax by saying that one third of the taxes will be paid by people from out of state.