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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 06:38 AM


First Published in 1994


Sen. DeMint Major Force in Permitting Free Elections

“Yesterday we had our most important date with destiny, And Honduras won!” said Rodrigo Cantero, a correspondent for ALG News.

“We fought our most important battle without firing a shot. We let the ballots be our bullets, just like the fathers of democracy intended. We went against 21st century Socialism and won.”

Leaders from around the world, led by the newly elected President of the United States Barack Obama turned their backs on Honduras and supported a would-be dictator against the will of the Honduran people. But the Hondurans held together, refused to compromise their freedom in the face of strong forces allied against them.

Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina and a small group of members of Congress stood by Honduras. They visited the small, poor country, encouraged the people and temporary leaders and upon their return urged President Obama who had withdrawn aid from the country and sided with Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega and other leftists against them, to be patient and allow them to have a free election and determine their own destiny.

The election was held. More than 62 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots and elected Porfirio Lobo as their new president, and the Obama administration announced the U. S. will recognize the elections as free, fair, and legitimate.

“Our loyal friends in Honduras have proven that freedom and democracy can and will succeed when people are willing to fight for it,” said Sen. DeMint. “The Honduran people stood together and emphatically rejected attempts by Chavez, Noriega and the Castro brothers to prop up a dictator and subvert their constitution.

“I am very encouraged by our administration’s decision to stand with the Honduran people, recognize the elections, and commit to work with president-elect Lobo. I hope we can quickly reestablish the strong relationship between our nations, and that the international community will recognize the choice of the Honduran people.

“This year, the people of Honduras have taken a bold stand against tyranny, and friends of freedom throughout the world should applaud their courageous defense of the rule of law. During my trip to Honduras, I was impressed by their desire for liberty and commitment to constitutional democracy. The Honduran people have much to be proud of, and I’m proud to stand with them,” Sen. DeMint concluded.

Rodrigo Cantero minced no words in expressing his views of the election outcome.

“Yesterday, there were big losers, but they were not the opposing candidates. The big losers were Manuel Zelaya, Hugo Chavez, Jose Miguel Insulza, lula Kirchner – and yes, Barack Obama. These ‘democrats’ tried and tried again to dismiss our elections. They tried to take away our right to vote, our right to choose. They could not break the will of our country. They could not break the spirit of our people. They could not turn us away from elections.”