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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:19 PM


First Published in 1994



The ladies and guests of the  Greenville County Republican Women’s Club greeted Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy  with several rousing standing ovations Monday at the Poinsett Club. Gowdy is a contender for the office of Attorney General of the United States should  Donald Trump become President. He has supported Trump since he became the Party nominee, and along with Third District Congressman Jeff Duncan is one of the most consistent conservatives in the House. He is a natural to be the chairman of the special committee holding hearings on the Benghazi  scandal.

 The small town prosecutor was elected to Congress and in a short time became one of the most respected lawmakers in Washington and a frequent guest on television news programs.

His knowledge of law and skill as a questioner of witnesses has become legendary.

Regardless of the outcome of the Presidential election, Gowdy sees a challenge for conservatives in Upstate South Carolina who are becoming a minority enclave in the state and nation.

If Trump loses the election, conservative and Republican leaders must get together and reason out what they plan for the future. He tends to subscribe to the 80 percent rule used by President Reagan and later by former Senator Jim DeMint, now president of the Heritage Foundation. Gowdy believes it is impossible to win a national election with everyone in agreement. We must find common ground on important issues and move forward if we are to exist as a functional party organization in future America.

In response to a question, he refused to say he would oppose reelection of the House Speaker. He said the Speaker is not the leader of the Party but a fundraiser for the House.