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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Constitution Party Chairman James Clymer will Present Rebuttal to Obama State of Union Address

jim-photo-2On Thursday night at Greenville Technical College, Upstate residents will have an opportunity to hear a nationally acclaimed Constitutional Attorney assess the first year of the Obama Administration and its impact on the freedom and civil rights guaranteed for all Americans by the Constitution of the United States.

One of the hottest recent topics on talk radio and around the office water cooler is the question of where will the energized Tea Party Activists, generated in response to the erosion of freedom by the Obama Administration, exert their influence as we approach the 2012 Presidential election.  Will they exercise their clout in support of bringing the national Republican Party back to its conservative Reagan-era roots, or will they form a new party or take over one of the existing “third parties?”

James Clymer is a Constitutional and Civil Rights Attorney in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and National Chairman of the Constitution Party. He will discuss the first year of the Obama Administration and the President’s State of the Union message the night before.

The public is invited and there is no admission charge. Pastor Tony Romo who is sponsoring the event said the rally is not a political party event but is for all that cherish freedom and want to preserve for future generations our God-given rights under the U. S. Constitution.

“President Obama promised change,” James Clymer said in a statement to The Times Examiner recently. “What he delivered was more like chains…. Chains that bind us to an unconstitutional war, government takeover of private business, a tax burden which will crush generations to come. Obama’s brand of hope is turning us into a nation of despair with every back room deal offered to union bosses and others owed payback for getting him elected.

“The State of the Union Speech will likely be an effort to assuage the anger being felt from Massachusetts to Arizona. Americans want change alright and it won’t have a “D” anywhere near it!”

Upstate South Carolina is recognized as an important area for all seeking national office. During the 2008 presidential campaign all Republican candidates for president visited Greenville one or more times. So did the two leading Democrat candidates. Chuck Baldwin, the Constitutional candidate for president, and his vice presidential running mate both visited Greenville during the campaign. Ted Adams, S. C. chairman of the Constitution Party, is a resident of Greenville County. Although the 2012 election is almost 3-years away, it is not surprising that the Chairman of the Constitution Party would be visiting Greenville to lead a rally for freedom.

James Clymer is married with five children and nine grandchildren. He is an active church member and holds degrees in History and Law. He was admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar in 1978 and is admitted to practice before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the United States District Court of Appeals and the United States Tax Court.

Clymer is senior member and manager of a general practice law firm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The firm has extensive civil rights litigation practice with a focus on civil rights secured under the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. He has represented clients in a variety of cases dealing with constitutional and religious liberty issues.

He has worked with several national organizations committed to protecting religious liberty, including, the American Center for Law and Justice, National Legal Foundation, Rutherford Institute, Home School Legal Defense Association and American Family Association Law Center.

His concern about the encroachment of government and the erosion of liberty has not only affected his political involvement but is evident in his law practice as well. He has frequently represented home schooling families, churches, Christian students, schools and other religious organizations and individuals whose rights to the free exercise of their religious beliefs are being challenged either by government officials or agency regulations.

He loves the outdoors and spends a lot of time working on his small farm.

As an instrument rated private pilot, he also enjoys flying and aviation activities whenever the opportunity arises.