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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:25 AM


First Published in 1994


Walt-Wilkins-headshotWalt Wilkins has announced that he will seek the Republican nomination to become the next 13th Circuit Solicitor.

Wilkins, the former US Attorney for South Carolina, and the son of Judge Billy Wilkins, brings proven experience and a record of accomplishment to the race.

“During my five years in the US Attorney’s office, I prosecuted hundreds of cases involving violent crime, street gangs, narcotics and illegal immigration. We worked with a number of state and federal agencies and dismantled several violent street gangs. We broke up an international drug smuggling ring and indicted 110 people.

Working with immigration officials, we moved swiftly to detain and deport 330 illegal immigrants who were employed by Columbia Farms. We then indicted several executives for knowingly hiring those illegals. I will be a tough, no-nonsense prosecutor and my experience and record should assure the people of Greenville and Pickens Counties that I will be prepared to serve them on day one,” Wilkins said.

To date, no other Republican has publicly indicated a desire to run.

If elected, Wilkins said he would concentrate on four priorities.

Convict Criminals

“My primary responsibility will be to protect the rights of victims and put criminals in jail. I will be tough but fair and apply the law equally. I won’t play politics and there won’t be any favors, favorites or backroom deals. If someone breaks the law, I will do my best to send them to prison.

Strong Cooperative Relationships

“In my role as US Attorney I developed strong cooperative relationships with Sheriff Steve Loftis and Sheriff David Stone, as well as with municipal police chiefs and local magistrates along with the state and federal law enforcement agencies I will work closely with our local law enforcement professionals to help them continue to make good arrests and build strong cases.

Move Cases Faster

“Crime Victims and their families deserve to have their case heard as quickly as possible. I will work with judges and Clerks of Court to move cases into court faster and make sure that justice is done for all parties involved.

Manage Effectively

“Our next Solicitor must be able to handle the demands of managing the largest circuit in the state. As a US Attorney, I supervised a staff of 150 and a budget of $11 million. I have the experience and skills to manage the taxpayers’ money wisely, effectively and efficiently.

“I can think of no greater privilege than serving as chief prosecutor for the people of Greenville and Pickens Counties. I urge the voters to look closely at my background, experience and record and give me the chance to earn their trust and support,” Wilkins concluded.

Walt Wilkins is a graduate of Wofford College with a double major in Spanish and Government and the University of South Carolina Law School.

He worked for Lockheed Martin Aircraft in Argentina, taught as an Adjunct Professor at Greenville Technical College, and practiced law with the Leatherwood, Walker, Todd & Mann Law firm in Greenville.

Wilkins became the Assistant US Attorney for South Carolina in 2005, prosecuting hundreds of cases. In 2008 he was appointed US Attorney for South Carolina by President George W. Bush. He held that post until January 2010.

He is married to the former Donyelle Burton. They have two children: Mary Burton, age 2 and Walt IV, age 8 months.

He is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church.