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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Voter ID Bill another High Priority for Lawmakers

The South Carolina State Senate finally passed a sovereignty resolution that had been held over from last year.

With Tea Party and Taxpayer activists looking over their shoulders, Senators passed the resolution in the second week of their business that will formally remind all branches of the federal government that their powers are limited by the United States Constitution.

It further reminds the federal government that it has no authority to demand purchase of healthcare insurance by the citizens of South Carolina.

The resolution also reinforces the Second and the Fourteenth Amendments.

Observers warn that this is only the beginning of the battle to regain sovereignty of the states from the overreaching federal government and return to the power structure established by the Founders and found in the literal interpretation of the U. S. Constitution.

Harry Kibler, founder of “RINO Hunt” and a leader in the South Carolina Tea Party movement, spoke last Thursday at the meeting of the Greenville County Taxpayers Association.

He discussed how up to 150 individuals applied “heat” and pressure to State Senate members who were not supporting the resolution  until the Sovereignty Resolution was passed.

“The bill that passed on Tuesday is not a law; it is a resolution restating a formal statement to all branches of the federal government. After the wording is reconciled with the House version, copies will go to both branches of the state legislature in all the other 49 states. A copy will be sent U. S. House and Senate, the White House and to the Supreme Court.

“That is the foundation for all of the other stuff that is to come that will allow South Carolina to say ‘we are sovereign.’”

Taxpayers Association President Butch Taylor asked: “Why would these people object to voting for such a thing if they are true Republicans, true Americans and true South Carolinians and they are truthful to their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, why would they be against supporting this resolution?”

“Right now they can play both sides of the fence,” Kibler said. “They can oppose accepting stimulus money from the federal government when talking to constituents and vote to accept stimulus money in Columbia.”

Transparency is another problem that the grass-roots group plans to pursue until it is passed into law.

This week they are pressing for passage of the “Voter ID Bill” that would require the presentation of a person’s proof of his right to vote, so as to require the elector to produce a valid photo identification card at the time of casting his ballot and to require poll managers to compare the photograph on the required identification with the person presenting himself to vote and verify that the photograph is that person seeking to vote.