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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Not sure if you will be in town on Election Day, or if you will have to work that day? Want to avoid the long lines? Know other Republicans who have that problem?

Go to our VoteAbsenteeSC.com site now and apply for your absentee ballot today!

In South Carolina there are 15 legal reasons allowing you to cast an absentee ballot. If you fit any of these descriptions, you can apply online to have your absentee ballot sent to you in the mail by your local county election commission.

Persons qualified to vote by absentee ballot:

  1. Persons sixty-five years of age or older
  2. Persons who plan to be on vacation outside their county of residence on Election Day
  3. Persons who for reasons of employment will not be able to vote on Election Day
  4. Persons who are physically disabled
  5. Persons attending sick or physically disabled persons
  6. Government employees serving outside their county of residence on Election Day and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  7. Overseas Citizens
  8. Members of the Armed Forces or Merchant Marine serving outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  9. Persons serving with the American Red Cross or with the United Service Organizations (USO) who are attached to and serving with the Armed Forces outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  10. Students attending school outside their county of residence and their spouses and dependents residing with them
  11. Persons serving as a juror in state or federal court on Election Day
  12. Persons admitted to the hospital as emergency patients on Election Day or within a four-day period before the election
  13. Persons with a death or funeral in the family within three days before the election
  14. Persons confined to a jail or pre-trial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial
  15. Certified poll watchers, poll managers, and county election officials working on Election Day

If any of those items describe you, then visit our VoteAbsenteeSC.com site and apply for your absentee ballot right now.

Remember, EVERY vote counts. Don't let yours be missing on Election Day!