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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:15 AM


First Published in 1994


Columbia – In the wake of the recent confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the US Supreme Court, the South Carolina Republican Party released the following statements from Republican leaders:

SCGOP State Chairman Drew McKissick:
"The nomination and confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh is yet another promise made and promise kept for President Trump. He promised to nominate great constitutional conservatives to the judiciary, and he has delivered! He deserves great credit for not only nominating him, but sticking with him as liberals tried to crucify him. Both South Carolina Senators Graham and Scott deserve our thanks for standing up for him in the Senate in the face of such radical opposition."
"The liberal hysteria surrounding the process has shown average Americans in the political middle what an incredible bunch of radicals they really are. The more shameful they act, the more they push voters into our camp."
"The complete circus that the Democrats made out of the Kavanaugh confirmation process has become to this election what Hillary Clinton was in 2016. It spelled out in very bold colors for Republicans just exactly what is at stake in November - and it lit a fire under them. It will drive record level Republican turnout for a mid-term election."

US Senator Lindsey Graham:
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh was just confirmed by the United States Senate to serve on the Supreme Court. I was proud to vote YES in support of his confirmation. Judge Kavanaugh is exactly the right person at the right time. He's a conservative jurist with the background and experience worthy of this high honor. As I said from the moment President Trump nominated him, Judge Kavanaugh is one of the most highly qualified people ever to be nominated to serve on the Court. I appreciate my colleagues in the Senate who voted to confirm him today. And finally, I'm grateful to President Trump for the good judgment in selecting Judge Kavanaugh, and I appreciate the President's determination in seeing the nomination through to Victory!"

US Senator Tim Scott:
"One of the greatest honors of my life is being able to serve the people of South Carolina in the United States Senate. Today, once again, history called on the Senate to fulfill the duties given to us by the Constitution - to advise and consent on a Supreme Court nomination. I proudly voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court in the land and look forward to seeing him sworn in as the court's ninth justice. Nothing from the FBI report I read myself corroborates any of the allegations laid out against Judge Kavanaugh. I have full faith and expectation that Judge Kavanaugh will continue his sterling thirteen-year judicial record of integrity, impartiality, fairness, a devotion to the rule of law, and honoring the founding father's original constitutional intent."