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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Dear neighbors,

Merry Christmas!  I trust you and your family are having a joyful season as you ponder the Gift.

As the year closes and the legislature prepares for a new session beginning January 8, I'm reminded what a privilege it is to be your voice in the State House.  I count it a true honor to be embarking on another two years of service to our community, and I am grateful.

This past fall, I have been working hard on a variety of issues that would apply conservative goals to benefit South Carolina.  I've also successfully sought reappointment to the Agriculture Committee and an appointment to the Tax Policy Review Committee.  I'm going to keep a full plate in 2019 as I do my best to take the right stand for you on every issue!

I plan for my work to address five major areas this session: Family Values, Judicial Reform, Tax Reform, Education, and Cutting Bureaucracy.  There are several pieces of legislation I will be backing within each of these five categories.  I encourage you to attend my next town hall event on January 10 to get all the details!  Please scroll down to see more information below.

I'm happy to announce I pre-filed four bills today.  There will be more to come!

H3289: Personhood Act - As I described in my last email, I believe the right to life is the most pressing issue facing South Carolina.  The Personhood Act will define life at conception so that all humans are protected under state law, regardless of age.  This bill is also crafted to present a correct legal challenge to Roe v. Wade at the U.S. Supreme Court.  It's time for our state to take leadership and end the genocide of preborn children.

H3070: Judges Appointed by the Governor - This bill would create a statewide referendum on whether to change the process of judicial appointment.  Currently, a small group of the politically-connected (called the Judicial Merit Selection Commission, or JMSC) select who can run to be a judge, and then after a variety of negotiations and interviews, the legislature "elects" those judges.  I believe this situation has resulted in numerous ethical problems.  I support amending our state constitution to allow appointment by the Governor with the advice and consent of the General Assembly, similar to the system the American Founders wisely placed in the U.S. Constitution.

H3069: Judges Chosen by the Entire State - If full judicial reform is unsuccessful, this bill is a place where we could meet halfway.  It retains our current process of electing judges by the legislature but it requires the JMSC to be composed of two legislators from each Congressional District.  Thus, the entire state would have a voice in who is selected to run, rather than just a few politically-connected individuals.

H3149: SC Independence Day - Here's an idea to spark an interest in history and civics.  Many folks don't realize that South Carolina was the first state to declare independence from Great Britain, on March 26, 1776 - over three months before the Declaration of Independence.  We adopted a national Constitution and even elected our first President, John Rutledge.  This bill recognizes March 26 as SC Independence Day and encourages schools to celebrate it.  I think understanding this important date, recognized on our state seal but often unknown by the public, could bring us together as a state and kindle a renewed sense of citizenship among our students.

If you can make it this coming Thursday, December 20 at 6:30pm, I will be speaking to the Spartanburg County Republican Party on the issue of Personhood, and you would be welcome.  The location will be our County Council chambers at 366 N. Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29303.

Thank you so much again for the privilege of representing you!  I hope you and your family will have a very merry Christmas celebrating our King and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Your servant,

Rep. Josiah Magnuson