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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:17 PM


First Published in 1994


Both the House and Senate will vote this week on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations bill. Lawmakers have the ability to allocate funding for the border wall in this bill, but it is being blocked by Democrats. Republicans are also giving up on the fight. Leadership has punted this issue for far too long.

Eagle Forum, along with several prominent conservative groups, has signed onto the following letter written by the Conservative Action Project to urge Congress and President Trump to protect the American people:

“With just a few days left of unified Republican government, President Trump must insist that Congress not adjourn for the year without voting to fund his border wall.

Many Members of Congress campaigned on a platform of strong border security and immigration reform, but have yet to fulfill — or even to vote — on this key promise.

According to a recent Marist poll, 65 percent of Republicans do not want to see a compromise on the border wall. Moreover, President Trump has spent two years asking Congress to fund his border wall, only to be stymied at every turn.

Congress has, thus far, only passed limited funding, with restrictions that bar new construction of the president’s wall prototypes and limit the use of funds to repairs and pedestrian fencing. Over the last two years, Congress has never once held a vote on funding to build the “physically imposing” barrier that the Trump administration has repeatedly requested.

Members are elected to vote. Adjourning the 115th Congress without holding any votes on President Trump’s border wall not only contradict the promises Republicans made to voters; it wastes a critical opportunity to put Members on record on key issues.

President Trump must urge congressional Republicans to use — rather than waste — the waning days of their majority to vote on the border wall. As this Congress approaches its end date, the president must insist they vote on funding for his border wall before adjournment.”

Your Representatives need to hear from you right away.  Call or email them today to tell them to include border wall funding in the DHS appropriations bill!