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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Our privacy is currently at stake!  The Senate used the lame duck session to ram through the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (H.R. 4174) that will take our personal data and spread it across all federal agencies.

H.R. 4174 was originally crafted by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and passed the House by a voice vote only.  Leadership claimed that this bill would result in a safe evaluation of federal programs, but they failed to mention the dangerous privacy consequences that could result from such an undertaking.  The Senate, after holding the bill for a year until after the election due to widespread citizen outrage, was fooled as well, and again, by a voice vote, passed the bill onto President Trump to sign.

If you have participated in any type of federal program, this bill allows you to be tracked.  The federal government will share your data among multiple agencies and use it to make broad assumptions, which will lead to biased decision-making for our nation. This data is also vulnerable to outside hacks. Countries such as Russia and China are well-known for prying into our personal information to be used for devious purposes. Additionally, Congress ignores much current data that many federal programs do not work, still funding bad programs. Collecting more data will only hurt privacy but not change government behavior

Our Representatives have been naïve about the dangerous privacy repercussions of this bill, but we have time to warn the President before he signs it into law.

Call or email the White House today to tell President Trump to veto H.R. 4174!

White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414