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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 06:12 PM


First Published in 1994


Cmd. Gramling’s ‘Southern Victory Campaign’ is well under way.  Our Make Dixie Great Again web site is up and running and getting results.  As a consequence of the Smithsonian Magazine slanderous attack upon our heritage, Cmd. Gramling has requested that we now “go on the offensive!”  Cmd. Gramling has sent the Smithsonian Magazine a demand letter requesting that they print a SCV response to their recent insulting and vindictive article. 

Heritage Operations has just mailed a copy of the Commander’s letter and a copy of our proposed response to the Southern members of the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, the White House Press Secretary, and to President Trump.  In addition to that, we have sent out over 100 press releases to national and international media outlets condemning the Smithsonian’s act of anti-South cultural genocide.  We are doing our part but nothing will be accomplished without the efforts of our members.

Those receiving Cmd. Gramling’s letter (U.S. Senators, Representatives, and the Smithsonian Magazine) will not act favorably unless they also receive hundreds of letters from the folks back home.  It is imperative that our members understand that they must become involved in this effort if we are to have a positive impact upon the establishment. 

Please forward this message to the local camps and ask each individual of said camp to contact their U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and demand that the Smithsonian Magazine publish the SCV’s reply.  At our web site (URL below) our members can read a sample letter to their congressional delegation.  They may use the form letter or write their own.  For complete instruction see the URL listed below.  Without your support this effort will go nowhere.  This is a fight for our very existence as an organization, culture, and as Southerners—it is up to each member to do their part in this battle.

Deo Vindice,

Walter D. Kennedy, Chief of Heritage Operations, SCV

View instructions at bottom of web page under heading:  Urgent Operations & Tactics



URL to Smithsonian Article: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/costs-confederacy-special-report-180970731/