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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:29 PM


First Published in 1994


This is the third week of the 2019 legislative session, and the Senate has a number of bills scheduled for floor debate – including one that increases the tax credit for donations to the SC Research Authority, and another that increases emergency prescription refill limits. As of now, the House does not have any bills scheduled for debate on the floor, but that could change in the coming days. There are also several new bills being heard in committee (see the list below).

In addition to the House, the Senate has started working on its respective version of the budget and scheduled a few subcommittee hearings. These meetings are not streamed, meaning an individual would have to attend them in person in order to know how the budget is shaping up.  

Finally, five separate organizations are hosting receptions or meals for lawmakers, including the South Carolina Bar and the SC Chamber of Commerce. For the full list, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Tuesday – 1/22/19

House committee meetings

Ways and Means budget subcommittee hearings: Constitutional, Transportation and Regulatory, Higher Education, Public Education, Law Enforcement, Economic Development, and Healthcare

Agriculture subcommittee

  • H.3086 – Licensing for dog breeders
  • H.3250 – Creates the fruit and vegetable snap grant program
  • H.3449 – Dept of Agriculture is responsible for regulating hemp

Senate committee meetings

Finance Committee

  • Budget trends and issues – Revenue and Fiscal Affairs presentation

Judiciary subcommittee

  • S.182 – Requirements for new voting machines
  • S.202 – Allows election commission to regulate post-election audits

Education subcommittee

  • S.228 – Creates Tri-County Technical College Enterprise Campus Authority

Wednesday – 1/23/19

House committee meetings

Ways and Means budget subcommittee hearings: Constitutional, Transportation and Regulatory, Higher Education, Public Education, Law Enforcement, Economic Development, and Healthcare

Judiciary subcommittee

  • H.3031 – Shortens voter registration window
  • H.3035 – Loosens requirements for poll workers
  • H.3472 – Allows Attorney General to carry firearm while on duty

Senate committee meetings

Finance budget subcommittee hearings: Criminal Justice

Medical Affairs subcommittee

  • S.132 – Offers more flexibility for physicians assistants

Banking and Insurance Committee

  • S.75 – Insurer corporate governance disclosure
  • S.360 – Department of Insurance Procedures
  • S.358 – SC Insurance Guaranty Association

Education Committee

  • S.33 – Campus Free Expression Act
  • S.35 – Public schools and colleges must teach the constitution, federalist papers, etc.
  • S.228 – Creates Tri-County Technical College Enterprise Campus Authority

Thursday – 1/24/19

House committee meetings

Judiciary subcommittee

  • H.3420 – Prohibits minors from entering tobacco shops
  • H.3421 – Stronger requirements for purchasing nicotine products online
  • H.3417 – Establishes illegal immigration unit within SLED

Senate committee meetings

Agriculture Committee

  • S.259 – Creates a loan fund for flood disaster
  • S.384 – Repeals hemp farm law to adopt new federal regulations

Finance budget subcommittee hearings: K-12 Education

Who's feeding your lawmakers?
  • SC Chamber of Commerce
  • SC Association of Special Purpose Districts
  • SC Consortium for Gifted Education
  • South Carolina Bar
  • Forestry Association of South Carolina