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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:34 PM


First Published in 1994


This week, things in the State House are beginning to speed up as both chambers will likely vote on a number of significant bills. The joint committee evaluating offers to buy Santee Cooper is also scheduled to meet.

In the House, lawmakers have fast-tracked a bill that would create a powerful mini-government within the Tri-County Technical College for the purpose of driving economic development. This new entity – called an “enterprise authority” – would have the power to issue revenue bonds on behalf of the college, collect fees for undefined purposes, and possibly even exercise eminent domain. If passed by the House, it will go to the governor’s desk.

The Senate will continue debate on a bill that would capture sales tax from online retailers like Amazon or Ebay, based on a Supreme Court case that was decided last year. It would also require these companies to acquire retail licenses, just as an in-state retailer would have to get. Lawmakers recently added an amendment requiring money collected under this bill to be used to increase teachers’ salaries.

On Wednesday, the Santee Cooper evaluation committee (created via budget proviso last year) will meet (stream here). According to their agenda, the committee will be considering offers to buy the utility that were submitted to ICF International – the consulting firm hired by lawmakers.

For the full list of bills this week, scroll to the bottom of the page.

House floor session

  • H.3417 – Establishes illegal immigration unit within SLED
  • H.3420 – Prohibits minors from entering tobacco shops
  • H.3031 – Shortens voter registration window
  • H.3035 – Loosens requirements for poll workers
  • H.3595 – Adjusts the Industry Partnership Fund tax credit (SCPC analysis)
  • H.3274 – Local government cannot regulate cigarettes, alternative nicotine products
  • S.228 – Creates mini-government within Tri-County Technical College (SCPC analysis)

Senate floor session

  • S.309 – Doubles the budget of the South Carolina Research Authority (SCPC analysis)
  • S.214 – Collecting sales tax from online retailers (SCPC analysis)
  • S.35 – Mandatory U.S. constitution instruction for colleges
  • S.105 – Amending penalties for animal cruelty
  • S.38 – SLED must investigate officer involved-shootings

Tuesday – 2/5/19

House committee meetings

Education subcommittee

  • H.3759 – Overhauls the state education system

LCI subcommittee

  • H.3754 – Regulation for time shares

Senate committee meetings

Finance subcommittee

Finance Committee

  • S.426 – DOT to appropriate funds for Sandy Island boat ramp
  • S.310 – Stricter regulation on unstamped cigarettes
  • S.314 – Creates income tax credit for clinical rotations completed by medical students
  • S.323 – Department of Revenue can compel financial information from individuals’ banks
  • S.398 – Grace period for unstamped cigarettes
  • S.439 – Port cargo tax credit

Judiciary Committee

  • S.18 – Allows DUI offenders to enroll in the interlock ignition program

Wednesday – 2/6/19

House committee meetings

3-M subcommittee

  • H.3253 – Licensing for mobile barbershops
  • H.3438 – Division of Veterans Affairs moved to Governor’s office
  • H.3157 – Licensing for genetic counselors

Public safety subcommittee

  • H.3051 – Regulations for pickup truck towing

Education & Public Works Committee

  • H.3398– Permanently establishes Tucker Hipps Transparency Act
  • H.3051 – Regulations for pickup truck towing
  • H.3355 – Bans use of cell phones while driving

Senate committee meetings

LCI subcommittee

  • S.260 – Revises SC’s nonprofit laws

Education subcommittee

  • S.419 – Overhauls the state education system

Joint committee meeting

Santee Cooper Evaluation and Recommendation Committee

Thursday - 2/7/19

Senate committee meetings

Corrections & Penology Committee

  • S.156 – Bans cell phones in prisons

Who’s feeding your lawmakers?

  • SC Funeral Directors Association
  • SC Water Utility Council
  • SC Association for Community Economic Development
  • Richland County Government
  • SC Recyclers Association