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Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 04:07 PM


First Published in 1994


Inglis Attacks, Gowdy Strikes Back

Upstate-Women---Bob-InglisThe last meeting before vote in the primary runoff election between Bob Inglis and Trey Gowdy took place Monday morning at the Poinsett Club. The event was sponsored by the Upstate Republican Women’s Club.

Deb Sofield was moderator of the event and maintained control over questions and time allowed for answers.

Congressman Inglis, showing signs of stress from his toughest race yet for the congressional seat, was constantly on the attack. He lashed out at Gowdy campaign aide Dan Hoover, accusing Hoover of accusing him of lying.

Inglis lashed out at Gowdy as he has in every forum for supporting a lake in Union county that Inglis opposed. Gowdy countered that he held the same position on the lake as Sen. Jim DeMint. Inglis accused Gowdy of being divisive and pitting Spartanburg against Greenville in the Election. Gowdy was frequently stronger in his response than Inglis had been in his jabs.

The audience was respectful of both candidates; however, Gowdy appeared to receive the most enthusiastic applause from the Republican women and their guests.

There was special media interest in the event because it was the last meeting of the two candidates before the election to be held in less than 24 hours.

Inglis was accompanied by his wife Mary Ann who has served as his campaign manager in recent elections.

Upstate-Women---Trey-GowdyGowdy noted that his wife, her parents and his parents were present.

The theme maintained by Inglis throughout the debate was that he has experience and experience will be needed as Republicans gain a majority and take control of the House of Representatives next January. He insisted that Gowdy was inexperienced and did not understand the complexity of Congress.

Gowdy took the position that Republicans have had their chance to fix the government when they had a majority in both houses of Congress and controlled the White House. He insisted that sending the same people back to Washington and expecting better results is not the way to ensure improved results.