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Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 04:55 PM


First Published in 1994


Dave-EdwardsThe Constitution Party of South Carolina held their State Convention, Saturday, May 15, 2010, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Greenville. The State Convention was to nominate Constitution Party candidates for the general election to be held in November. SC State Chairman Ted Adams presided, and Convention President John Langville conducted the election of state officers.

Dr. Tom Kendall introduced Constitution Party nominee for the 4th Congressional District, Dave Edwards, who is a real estate broker in Greenville. Dave believes that it is a citizen’s duty to stand up for the rights and principles of Constitutional government that our founders secured for us. More information about Dave can be found at: www.Daveedwards4congress.com.

Also nominated were:

Ralph Davenport, owner of Davenport Glass Co., for SC House district 37. Ralph represented the citizens of Spartanburg for 22 years as a Republican member of the SC House. Ralph is looking forward to being a legislator with the Constitution Party which will support, rather than oppose his efforts for constitutional reform. He will work for petition initiative which would give South Carolinians more control of their government.

Ralph Davenport - Photo  Courtesy of Ted AdamsJerry Blanton, a US Army disabled veteran, VA hospital volunteer and VFW member, is running for SC House District 38, Spartanburg area. Jerry can be reached at 864-978-1971.

Marc Beaman, a general contractor who lives in Hilton Head, for US House, District 2, now held by Joe Wilson. Marc, an army veteran, holds a bachelors degree, two masters degrees and a PhD.. In addition to running his construction business, Marc and his wife founded and have directed a soup kitchen ministry for over five years. www.Beaman4congress.com.

John Dalen, contractor, for US House District 3, now held by Gresham Barrett. John believes that our children’s future is being stolen by politicians who ignore the Constitution and have spent us into bankruptcy. www.Johndalen.com.

Dave Ballard, an architect residing in Anderson County, for SC House District 10, understands the importance of returning to a constitutional republic.

For additional information and candidates go to www.scconstitutionparty.com.



