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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 02:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Senator Voted for TARP, two Supreme Court Nominees of Questionable Qualifications, Promoted Amnesty for Illegal Aliens and Abandoned the Republican Platform

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee enthusiastically voted 61 to 2 to approve a resolution of rebuke against Sen. Lindsey Graham at its Monday night meeting.

Copies of the resolution were given to each member of the Executive Committee prior to the vote. The resolution was read from the podium by Second vice Chairman Geri Warren. No one expressed opposition to the resolution from the floor.

First Vice Chairman Betty Poe, who conducted the meeting in the absence of Chairman Patrick Haddon, announced that long hours and much thought had gone into writing the resolution and all of the County officers were in full agreement prior to the resolution being presented to the Executive Committee for consideration.

The resolution reads:

Whereas, United States Sen. Lindsey Graham has  cast votes in the United States Senate in favor of TARP, which all but  guarantees an increase in the national debt and expansion of the federal  government.

Whereas, Sen. Graham has voted in favor of two  of President Obama’s nominees to the United States Supreme Court, who possess  questionable qualifications and very liberal beliefs that are contrary to the  United States Constitution.

Whereas,  Sen. Graham has promoted amnesty for illegal aliens, and continues to promote  this premise under the guise of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”

Whereas,  by these and other votes, Sen. Graham has abandoned the Republican platform:

Limited Government;

Capitalism and the Free Market System;

Original Intent of the Constitution;

The Appointment of Conservative Federal Judges  and Justices to the United States Supreme Court; and

Fiscal Responsibility.

And, whereas, both locally and nationally, Sen.  Graham has repeatedly demonstrated contempt and arrogance towards those members  of the Republican Party who support these core Republican beliefs;

Therefore, be it resolved, the Greenville  County Republican Party hereby issues this formal rebuke of Sen. Graham for his  cooperation and support of President Obama and the Democratic Party’s liberal  agenda for the United States.

Further, be it resolved that Sen. Graham will  no longer be invited to attend and participate in meetings or other events  sponsored by the Greenville County Republican Party.

Resolved this 2nd day of August 2010 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee.