We look to Greenville to uphold our conservative values
Glenn McCall, one of South Carolina’s two national committeemen, told the Upstate Republic Women, Monday, that the Greenville County Republican Party is the benchmark that other county Republican parties strive to follow.
“We look to you to uphold our conservative values,” McCall said, citing the leadership of chairman Patrick Haddon and Dan Herren, state executive committeeman.
McCall recounted the efforts of Karen Floyd, state GOP chairman, and his fellow national committeeman Cindy Costa, in their successful efforts at the National Republican Committee summer meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 4 to 7, to keep South Carolina’s first in the South presidential primary, which it has held since 1980.
The RNC passed resolutions supporting Arizona’s stance on immigration and to repeal Obamacare and replace it with free market solutions.
McCall said that he and his wife Linda, who attended the meeting with him, get called all sorts of names, but that because of his values and most importantly because of his Christian values, he cannot vote for a person because of color. McCall said he is a Tea Partier, and that the Tea Party movement is not about racism. It is about our Constitution, and the rule of law, he said.
Vice President Phyllis Foster introduced McCall. Suzette Jordan is president of the club.